On Friday, we had our Div. 11 & 12 Celebration Park Picnic! Thank you to all the students, parents, siblings, and pets who came and made the day so special! I was having too much fun to take many photos! But we especially loved playing with chalk, bubbles, pets, water, and the playground!

On Wednesday, it was National Indigenous Peoples Day! We had Elder Auntie Patti come in to tell us some stories.

We also had a special visit from Ms. Yee on Thursday! She read us a funny book.

We have been exploring forces and motion all around us!

We visited the SFU lab again for a chemistry workshop exploring chemical changes! What were some of the amazing things we saw… and tasted?!

We have finished our amazing poetry and have put it up for everyone to enjoy!

We made some stunning bee art!

We took a photo with our one words from the year before sending them home!

We have been playing with financial literacy by creating our very own shops and buying each other’s amazing products! Here are just a few snapshots!


We always love creating stories and world with our loose parts! Here are a few snaps from the week!


Last week, we had our year end garden celebration! Div. 4 harvested, washed, prepared, cooked, and served amazing dishes from our garden! A special thank you to Pablo, and Niko’s mom and sister for being an integral part of making the day possible!


June is Pride Month and we loved sharing messages of pride inspired by Pride Puppy. Our diversity club put up our inclusive pride flag!

A few more dates to note as the year comes to an end:

  • Mon. June 26th – Special walk to our Aspen forest and beyond at 1:15-2:45
  • Tues. June 27th – Buddies at 9:15-11:15– we will be making a special project and could use some parents to support us! Please let me know if you are free on Tuesday morning to help!
  • Wed. June 28th – Pajama day! Your child can bring their coziest (or coolest) PJs and a stuffy to enjoy our last full day together! You are invited to come in for family mindful minutes at 8:50-9:30 to create something together, see your child’s new stories, or read a book together.
  • Thurs. June 29th – Last day of school for students – early dismissal at 10:00am and report cards are sent home