Rube Goldberg Project – Day 2!

Wednesday, June 3rd

Hello friends!

I hope you had fun yesterday planning your project! I heard so many creative and different ideas on our zoom meeting yesterday.

Aiden sent in his machine and I thought I’d share it with you so you have an example of a project.  Aiden’s machine can push the ball past the line! Please watch the video:

Aiden’s Rube Goldberg Project

What can YOUR machine do?

Today I want you to start MAKING your project.  Remember this video for some inspiration but try and use your own creativity to come up with your own idea!  Please remember your machine needs to do something!

Meditate, Meditation, PeacefulNow take your time and remember it’s okay to get a little frustrated if something doesn’t work the first time – remember your brain is learning and firing up too! Use your strategies to calm yourself and come back to the project when you’re ready!

Once you’ve built your project, practice it a few times and then make a video of it. Please no longer then 10-15 seconds and send it to me at  You don’t need to finish this today.  This can be done by Friday if you need more time! I’ll put them all together so you can see each other’s creativity and projects!

Happy building friends!

Make sure you take a break to exercise today!


Ms. Binng

4 thoughts on “Rube Goldberg Project – Day 2!

  1. Hi ms Binng. I’ve already sended my video to you. but it’s simple like Aiden’s rube Goldberg project.

    1. Hi Gabriel, I loved your project. Today I want you to think about what your machine can do…Aiden’s machine pushes a ball, the video I showed you rang a bell. Try playing with your project a little to see if you can get it to do a simple task. We can chat at the zoom meeting today!

  2. Ms Binng. My project is domino effect. because my marble will knock the blocks to make the domino effect. plus i tried to use my toy marble run but it did not work and I got frustrated. but i had another solution i made my own marble run using my marble, laundry bin lid, and my blocks to make the domino effect.

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