Monday Nov. 26

Science – Test tomorrow on electricity and magnetism.  Bring materials for models on Wednesday and Thursday (Due Dec 4th)

LA – Manga due Friday.  Finish journal reflection on Independence project

Other – Concert scene scripts (Wednesday), Community Christmas store posters (Tomorrow – Class time to finish)

Reminders  – Library tomorrow.  Return volleyball jerseys by Thursday if you want your treat! (Clean)

Independence Project

The students are being asked to attempt a new or challenging (BUT SAFE) task over the weekend to challenge their problem solving skills.
The task could be something like:

  • baking or cooking with a recipe
  • washing/drying/putting away a load of laundry
  • planning a route and navigating
  • figuring out the tip and paying the bill at a restaurant
  • packing the suitcases into the car for a trip
  • yard work
  • fixing something
  • teaching a younger sibling a new skill.

They must have parent permission for whatever they choose and they should be supervised.  They will face problems they need to find solutions to and they might struggle and make mistakes.  This is ok!  It is important to let them experience this in a safe way.  Offer guidance and support (take pictures!), but let them try to solve the problems independently.

We will reflect on our experiences in our journals on Monday.

Wednesday Nov. 21

Math – Grade 7 (Photocopy questions, on a separate paper please – Monday) Grade 6 (p. 101 #1-4, 7 – Monday) Bring back signed test and Quiz #3.  Last test of the term on Dec. 4th.

Science – Test (Nov. 27) Reports due (Nov. 29) Models due (Dec 3 *extended*)

LA  – Manga (Written as a story and as a graphic novel) – Nov. 30

Other – Independence Project: The students are being asked to attempt a new or challenging (BUT SAFE) task over the weekend to challenge their problem solving skills.  The task could be something like baking, cooking with a recipe, washing/drying/putting away a load of laundry, planning a route and navigating, figuring out the tip and paying the bill at a restaurant, packing the suitcases into the car, yard work, fixing something, or teaching a younger sibling a new skill.  They must have parent permission for whatever they choose and they should be supervised.  They will face problems they need to find solutions to and they might struggle and make mistakes.  This is ok!  It is important to let them experience this in a safe way.  Offer guidance and support (take pictures!), but let them try to solve the problems independently.  We will reflect on our experiences in our journals on Monday.

RemindersWE Day – If you are attending, please meet outside our portable at 7:10am for attendance and to meet your driver.  You will need a bag lunch.  If you are not attending, please go directly to the class with whom you are staying at 8:55.  Feel free to participate in any activities this class is doing (PE, Art, Music, etc) You should also use this time to work on projects.
 – No School Friday.  

Have a great weekend!


Monday Nov. 19

Math – Quiz tomorrow.  Bring your signed test back.

French – Translate your letter to English (Monday)

Socials – Biomes predictions (Wednesday)

Reminders – YPC tomorrow after lunch.  Library tomorrow.  No School Friday.

VSO Field Trip

All the intermediate students at Buckingham were lucky enough to attend the VSO elementary student concert today at the Orpheum Theatre.

We got to hear many famous classical pieces as the VSO celebrates its 100th birthday!  We heard music by Mozart, Beethoven, songs from the opera Carmen, the ballet Rodeo, and many more.  We were even surprised with a medley of John William’s compositions from Star Wars complete with a lightsaber baton!

It was a great opportunity for the students to hear professionals playing instruments that they are currently learning or will be learning in Band.  Very inspiring!

Friday, Nov. 16

Math – 6 and 7: Get math test signed.  Quiz on Tuesday

Socials – Environment adaptations predictions (Wednesday)

Science – Work on report.  Bring materials for model.  Study for electricity test.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday Nov. 14

Science – read, highlight, and study the study notes for the electricity test

Math – Grade 6: (p. 97 #1-4,6,7,9,11 decimals quiz on tuesday) Grade 7: (p. 278 #1-8 quiz on subtracting integers and one and two step algebraic equations)

Reminder – VSO field trip tomorrow. Arrive for attendance by 8:15 am. Concert etiquette is expected. Bring a small snack to eat upon arrival at the Orpheum.

Wednesday Nov. 14

Socials  – Talk with your parents about your ancient civilization

Math – Grade 6: (p.91 #2-6,8) Grade 7: (p.234 #1-6)

LA – Work on Manga.  Check time management calendars

Reminder – VSO field trip Friday.  Arrive before 8:15 as the busses leave at 8:30.  Bring a small snack on the bus.

Tuesday Nov. 13

LA – Finish journal entry on staying organized in red books (Wednesday)

Science – Report and Model of Electricity/Energy source (Nov. 29) Electricity and Magnetism test (Nov. 27 – review Thurs. Nov. 15)

Reminders – VSO field trip Friday.  Arrive no later than 8:15 am for attendance.  Busses leave promptly at 8:30 and will return at lunch.

Remembrance Day Assembly

Very well done, everyone on today’s Remembrance Day assembly.  You all took today’s important ceremony very seriously and were excellent role models for the younger students.  The MC’s and wreath bearers were great, the choir performed beautifully, and everyone was moved by your powerful presentation of the poems.

Thank you for your amazing leadership!