Module 1 Post 3 (Savannah Ballet – The Geometry of Dance Powerpoint)

This site is very useful for geometry in dance. Although there isn’t much written the pictures are very useful. This site shows the different formations. This is again another symmetry and geometry site. There are many formations that require symmetry. Like the 2 parallel lines. The 2 parallel lines must have the same amount of people and they must be in a straight line. The geometry slides show the dancer in a pose. Then it outlines where the shapes would be. In the ballet Swan Lake the 4 swans must be in a straight line. 


This is useful to me because it is another geometry and symmetry site. I now have a lot of information on symmetry and geometry. This helps me understand why formations and angles are so important in a dance. Everyone needs to be the same and in the same place. The formations need to be straight and if they aren’t then the dance won’t look as polished and neat.