Module 1 Post 5 (The Mathematics of Ballet)

This site is very useful because their are many different topics that explain why math is in ballet. Although this site doesn’t have much words there is still quite a bit of information that could be useful. This site shows that the dancers must be able to count the music to stay on time with the other dancers. They also must keep their balance and must move equally. They also have to learn the 8 corner and they must understand symmetry and geometry. They must also understand the directions of counterclockwise and clockwise, they must know this because there are two different types of pirouettes en dedans and en dehors. They must know the directions for the turn.

The dancers appear the same because they are counting the music.


Dancers must keep there balance on pointe by staying symmetrical.

This is very helpful because it shows that there are a lot of different topics and I can explore other topics. This helps because it had pictures and videos to show what they were trying to explain. It helped me understand what they were trying to say. There were some websites that had a lot of information but I didn’t really understand what they were trying to say because there were visual information (pictures).

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