
We are so excited to be exploring the Mathletics website!  Check out the link and try for yourself!

Thank you

It was an absolute pleasure having the opportunity to sit down with the families of division 9! I am so fortunate to work with such supportive people.

Happy New Year!

Welcome back everyone. I hope you had a restful holiday. Check out the reminders page and the new bookmark that was recently added.  Looking forward to another successful term!

What leadership!

imageToday we had leadership students from Burnaby North visit us to do a Christmas craft. Our snowflakes are beautiful. Thanks!

Tennis lessons are here! September 16th to September 29th…stay tuned for more information.

Welcome Back!

It’s so good to see so many familiar faces again. It is good to be back and I look forward to a great year. Can’t wait to meet my new class!