November 8-12, 2021

Bonjour les familles,

In Math this week, we played with addition and subtraction puzzles and created our own. We practiced doubles and doubles-plus-one addition facts and tested our memories with a speed round of doubles addition.

We listened and learned in the Remembrance Day assembly on Wednesday, and heard from Ken Rosadiuk, Senior Instructor of Communications of the Royal Canadian Navy, through a Zoom presentation. We read a story and learned about the history of why poppies are used for Remembrance Day and wrote short journal entries about poppies and other symbols of peace.

We had three engaging presentations from Scientifiques de la semaine. We played with a tricky liquid called “Oobleck” that is sometimes hard, and sometimes runny. We saw oil and water separate and mix again with a fizzy-tablet lava lamp, and we learned about air pressure with a pen cap submarine!


We visited our garden bin and placed rocks we painted at the beginning of the year. We cleared out the dead vines and leaves from the summertime, and added nutrient-rich “worm tea” from our composting worms. For a writing activity, each student was given a bulb to inspect and to imagine what might grow from it. We made predictions, and next week will plant our bulbs so they may sprout up next spring.

I also sent home a letter and worksheet for a culture project we will be completing in class. Digital copies of the letter and worksheet are linked here: Culture Flipbook Letter and Culture Flipbook At-home Worksheet. Please set aside some time over the next week to talk with your child about some of the elements of culture that are practiced by your family. Make notes (point form is fine!) on the worksheet, and return by Monday, November 22nd. If you have any questions about this project, please do not hesitate to ask!

I sent home information about a reading program from Canadian Parents for French. Please take a look and if you would like to order the book subscription, return it to submit by Monday, November 15th.

One of Brantford’s learning support teachers has started sharing videos through YouTube on supporting children at home. Mme Dudley is sharing her “Minutes with Mel” for us all to learn!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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