Weekly Assignments – June 8-12

Hello! Welcome to Week 10 of distance learning. We are nearing the end of the school year, but still have two and a half more weeks “together” as Division 2.

Weekly Assignments Chart – June 8-12


This week, we are looking at how fractions can help us with measurement. What is the relationship between measuring centimeters and fractions? Watch this video for a short introduction.

Front Desk” by Kelly YangLiteracy 10.1 and 10.2: Listen to Chapters 48-57 of Front Desk: Front Desk Chapters

Literacy 10.4: Mia often writes letters to express her appreciation or frustration.

Like Mia, try writing a letter to express something you are concerned about, or you are grateful for.

Do you remember way back to November, when we learned about levels of government? Check out the chart titled “Government Responsibilities” in the assignment on Teams to find which level of government is responsible for the issue you care to write about. Find their contact information from one of the links in the Teams assignment and write your letter to the relevant government representative. I have included a rough outline of how you might write your letter. You may change it however you like, or write your own letter independently.Image titled Address a Letter to a Government Official Step 9

Check out the WikiHow on addressing a letter to a government official: https://www.wikihow.com/Address-a-Letter-to-a-Government-Official

You may post your letter only on Teams, but you may also send your letter in the mail! You can use your words to help change our city, province, or country, just like Mia uses her words to help Hank, to apologize to friends, or to collaborate with her neighbours.


Personal and Social Responsibility 10.1: Throughout this year, we have learned about many different people we might consider “heroes” through our Hero of the Week assignments. The have been musicians, doctors, puppeteers, journalists, inventors, or students, or more, and they all are people who have tried or are trying to make the word a better place. Who do you think deserves to be a Hero of the Week?! Nominate one of your personal heroes! See the nomination form in Teams.

**PLEASE COMPLETE: Personal and Social Responsibility 10.2: Please complete the self-assessment for core competencies. Select at least two core competencies to reflect on. What are you proud of this year that shows communication, thinking, or responsibility?

Look through our weekly assignment posts, or our Weekly Posts from Terms 1&2 to remind yourself of all the awesome lessons we have learned this year!

Personal and Social Responsibility 10.4: Contact Kelly Yang and tell her what you think of Front Desk! Authors can receive mail from their readers through their publishers. You can send an email to the author of our novel study through her website directly with the “Contact Me” form at the bottom of this page: https://www.frontdeskthebook.com/about-kelly-yang/ or to her email: kellyyangauthor@gmail.com

Or, you can write a physical letter, and mail it to the publisher, who will forward all the letters to Kelly Yang for her to read! Check out the website for the contact information, and write the mailing address like this, below:

Kelly Yang c/o Talia Seidenfeld and Amanda Maciel
Scholastic Inc.
557 Broadway
New York, NY 10012

Phys Ed 10.2: Go on a photo scavenger hunt! Last week, we tried this in the forest behind the school. I made a scavenger hunt list for one student, and she made a list for me. The only thing we did not find on either of our lists was a squirrel. Use the list below, or make your own list before heading outside.

Ms. Anderson’s Scavenger Hunt: 

  1. Two oval leaves
  2. A worm
  3. A squirrel
  4. A purple flower
  5. A bird’s nest
  6. A very small tree
  7. A stick with moss on it
  8. A bird
  9. A wood bug 
  10. A leaf of ivy

Social Studies 10.2: You may have heard or read a lot of news recently about protests happening in the United States and around the world during the last two weeks. These protests are in response to violence against Black people. This news is very hard to hear, and may make us feel sad, angry, frustrated, or confused. The Black Lives Matter movement is about protecting Black people, and all people, from police violence, and educating ourselves and others on the harms of racism. It is important for everyone (including adults) to keep learning about this movement, so that we can help our communities be safe places to live.

For this assignment, please go to https://www.cbc.ca/kidsnews/post/watch-what-canadian-kids-should-know-about-blacklivesmatter to learn about #BlackLivesMatter.

Science 9.5: Erosion experiment! We will try again this week to test an experiment on erosion. Before Wednesday’s class meeting, formulate your question related to soil erosion, make your prediction, and write out the plan.

Brora helped me prepare three containers (empty 2 litre bottles) with three soils: the first has potting soil only, the second has layers of garden soil (more mulch) and potting soil, and the third has layers of garden and potting soils as well as four kale plants. The kale plants are meant to represent forested areas, with the roots of the kale (“trees”) weaving into the soil. What do you think will happen when we pour water into the containers? Will water come out of the bottle spouts? How much? Will the water be dirty? Will soil spill out? (What do YOU wonder?)

What do you predict will happen when we pour water into all three containers?


  1. Prepare the containers of soil and kale plants.
  2. Pour water over the soil of all of three containers.
  3. Observe how much water leaves the bottles through the spout.
  4. Record results.

See this video if you missed the live experiment in our Wednesday class meeting!

Art 10.4: Thinking about layers of soil and earth materials had me thinking about dinosaurs…. I don’t know why! 🙂 Try this funny activity with paper and Q-Tips!

Carnival of the Animals fun! Can you guess which piece? via ...

Mystery Message: Can you translate this message from ASL or French into written English? Comment on this post if you can! Bonus points if you can answer my question in ASL and/or French (send me a video). 

2 thoughts on “Weekly Assignments – June 8-12

  • Hi Ms. Anderson,
    How are you?
    I didn’t get the whole thing but got a few parts.
    Good morning class,
    Today Friday but for you Monday. Today Friday Ms. Anderson, Julie and Brora went up to the forest for a tree hunt. They had to take a photo of a flowers and insect. They also saw a bird’s nest.

    • Hi Sonam,
      I am doing well, and hope you are too!
      You did a great job translating the main part of the message! It was a long one. Yes, we went up to the forest and looked for, and took pictures of, many animals and insects.
      I hope you have a great weekend!
      Ms. Anderson

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