Weekly Assignments – May 19-22

Happy Tuesday, Division 2!

Weekly Assignments Chart – May 19-22

This week started with a national holiday, Victoria Day, so we just have 4 days of school this week. Please click here for this week’s Weekly Assignments Chart – May 19-22!

Fractions Week – REAL FRACTIONS – Oakthorpe Primary
What fraction of this pie is on the plate?

Math: We have been developing an understanding of decimals over the past few weeks, and will now begin relating that number sense to fractions. Decimals and fractions are just different ways of relating the same numbers, although they may seem very different at first. Please watch the videos posted in the “How To…” section to learn a bit about fractions.



Real World Math: Fractions (Accessible Preview) - YouTube
Next time you eat an orange, count how many segments there are, and come up with fractions as you eat.

Front DeskLiteracy: Please listen to Front Desk Chapters 17-20 (Literacy 7.1), and then Chapters 21-25 (Literacy 7.2). I have started a YouTube account so hopefully this solves the skipping/lagging problem we were encountering before. After listening, please do a “free write” for 10-15 minutes (Literacy 7.3). This novel gets into very heavy topics that many people face in real life.  Journal your thoughts about the most recent chapters. I will not be marking for spelling or punctuation, or what you write. I just want you to free write about your thoughts on the novel so far. Aim to write for 15 minutes, or at least a half page of writing. What has upset you? What has made you smile? What do you think of mean Mr. Yao and of brave Mia Tang? What are some of the most important events that have happened?


Ch. 18: https://youtu.be/-c83eVdsYqQ

Ch. 19: https://youtu.be/0F2mrI9uXZI

Ch. 20: https://youtu.be/oSTpaP0rw1s

Ch. 21: https://youtu.be/1X8jZJZA774

Ch. 22: https://youtu.be/U5f3gKstYq4

Ch. 23: https://youtu.be/10vPP1b50PY

Ch. 24: https://youtu.be/K7bgaWCIJD8

Ch. 25: https://youtu.be/HDgURT0HxUk

Links to the chapters are posted on the Front Desk Chapters page of this website, as well as the assignments on Teams.

Social Studies:

Last week, I asked you to research pros and cons of coal as a natural resource. This week, I would like you to turbocharge your research skills on recommended websites (Social Studies 7.2), and add to a pros vs. cons list for three other natural resources (Social Studies 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5). To complete your list, use information from the suggested websites, the assigned books and other books on Epic! To begin, check out the videos below on natural gas, petroleum/oil, and hydropower.

Natural Gas



Phys. Ed 7.3: Choose active or sustainable transportation to go on a scavenger hunt! Choose a way to get around your neighborhood such as by foot, a bike, skateboard, scooter or any other active or sustainable way you would like. Avoid choosing something that uses fossil fuels, like natural gas, for energy. Now, head out into your neighborhood and find (with your eyes):

  • 1 super cute dog
  • 2 bike racks
  • 3 reusable water bottles or reusable straws
  • 4 vegetable gardens
  • 5 sustainable modes of transit (i.e. cycling, walking, skateboarding, scooters, public transportation and electric vehicles)

*This activity is taken from the Experiential Learning Toolbox of Be the Change Earth Alliance.

11 Steps to Achieving Impossible Goals | Inc.comResponsibility 7.1:  At the beginning of the week, choose any artistic, creative or practical skill (e.g. sewing, gardening, musical instrument, drawing) you would like to work on, or, set at academic goal (ie: complete more assignments this week than last). Sit down for 10 minutes and write in a notebook. Reflect on what you would eventually like to be able to do with that skill sometime in the future. Picture what you would do and how you would feel being able to do it. Can you see yourself in your mind doing that skill well? What does it look like?
Next, set a realistic goal for yourself this week for how you would like to improve even just a little bit toward your longer-term objective. When you’ve chosen a clear goal for yourself, make a schedule of when you will practice for each day of the week. Decide how much time you are willing or able to devote to learning or practicing for the week. Is it 10-30 minutes daily? One hour, two times this week? Consider deciding what you will specifically work on in your practice time. Share your goal with me (Ms. Anderson) by email. Now practice! When the week is over, come back to your notebook and reflect on what you learned or how you progressed. Did you meet your goal? Thinking back on your goal, was it realistic? How do you feel about your progress? What would you do differently next time? What did you enjoy? Send me another email at the end of the week to update me on your progress! *This activity is taken from the Experiential Learning Toolbox of Be the Change Earth Alliance.

Why I Deleted All of My Social Media and 60,000 FollowersResponsibility 7.2 Set another goal for this week: choose one day to not use social media or video games!   It is so easy right now to spend too much time online, so this challenge will encourage us to be creative in finding ways to keep entertained. You can still use the computer for assignments and communication, but aim to not play games, scroll Instagram or TikTok. Record your thoughts on the experiment and let me know how it goes.  I will be doing this challenge too, and my personal goal will be to not use Instagram at all for one day. Believe me, this could be a real challenge, but it is worth it!

Responsibility 7.3: Listening for the silence. The purpose of this activity is to explore the different ways we can listen and hear through our senses, while making discoveries along the way. Visit and listen to the sounds of different places and observe if your experience of listening and hearing changes.
In this activity, you will spend time listening to the sounds in different spaces, reflecting on the sounds you hear and considering if the way you hear or listen changes over time. This is an open exploration activity. When we take time to simply listen, we can make discoveries about ourselves and our experience of the world around us. Complete each part of this activity listed below:
Part 1: Where is the place you spend the most time indoors? Go to this place. It could be a room in your home. Sit or lay down in a comfortable position. For 10 minutes, close your eyes and listen to all of the sounds around you, nearby and far away. What do you hear? When you are done, write down some reflections or observations about what you heard and your experience.
Part 2: Find a natural/green space within your town or city (e.g. a public park or garden or a tree in your yard). You may also find a secluded place in nature outside of your town or city. For 10 minutes, sit or lay down and close your eyes and listen. Write down some reflections or observations about what you heard and your experience. How is the quality of sound different in this location compared to the location in Part 1?
*This activity is modified  from the Experiential Learning Toolbox of Be the Change Earth Alliance.

Art 7.1: Among many of the trending activities on the internet these days is one that makes me laugh every time. People are re-creating famous paintings with people and objects found at home. The example below of Girl with a Pearl Earring makes me laugh out loud!

Vermeer's daughter was the girl with the pearl earring and painted ...
Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer
people recreating famous paintings at home getty museum challenge 33 People Stuck at Home are Recreating Famous Paintings and Its Awesome
…re-created by a stranger on the internet…
















This example, a re-creation of Two Women at a Window by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, is slightly more serene:

people recreating famous paintings at home getty museum challenge 2 People Stuck at Home are Recreating Famous Paintings and Its Awesome
Two Women at a Window by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo

Here is my example, a re-creation of artist Molly Costello’s Creativity is a Tool:

Creativity is a Tool by Molly Costello


Check out many more examples here:https://www.instagram.com/tussenkunstenquarantaine/ or here: https://www.classicfm.com/discover-music/humour/national-gallery-recreating-famous-art-quarantine/ Try creating your own  re-interpreted masterpiece! Search for a famous (or not-so-famous) painting, create a scene and capture it in a photograph, and send both the original and your interpretation to Ms. Anderson for her to marvel at! 🙂

ADST 7.2 – Make a bird feeder

Toilet Paper Roll version:Toilet Paper Roll Bird Feeders - The Neighborhood Moms

  1. Run a long piece of string through an empty toilet paper roll and tie together at the ends.
  2. Smear peanut butter (or WowButter, if you are allergic to PB!) all over the surface of the roll.
  3. Roll it through birdseed and hang your toilet paper roll bird feeder for all to see.

Milk Carton version:DIY- How To Turn A Milk And Juice Carton To A Bird Feeder

  1. Clean and dry an empty milk carton.
  2. Cut a hole big enough for a bird to fit.
  3. Punch a hole in the top of the feeder and thread a string through. Tie at the top and secure.
  4. Decorate however you wish. Construction paper is fine, but it will likely get ruined in inclement weather. Instead, try acrylic paint or crayons.
  5. Once the bird feeder is dry, fill with birdseed and hang.

Art 7.3 I am very excited to tell you that I have been working on a special project for the past few weeks. I was invited to illustrate an early readers chapter book titled Do Not Get Lost, Annie! that will be self-published by the author this summer. I have been spending most of my spare time working on drawings, which I paint with gouache (a lot like watercolour) and outline with pencil crayon. Most of the illustrations will be printed in black and white, so I am only using black paint. I thought it would be fun to share my work with you, and show you how I do my drawings. Hopefully, it might inspire you to make some art too! For Art 7.3, try drawing a scene from a book (maybe Front Desk? ) as an illustrator does. You can use colour, or leave it black and white. You can use pencils, pencil crayons, paint, or whatever medium (that’s an artist word for the type of material you use) you like! Send me a photo of your work and I will add it to our Gallery!


1. For my illustrations, I begin by reading the story for details I need to include in the picture. Then, I sketch it out in pencil. Notice how I use stick figures to find the positions and proportions of the characters first.

2. Next, I add shape and outline to the drawing, using light marks as guides.3. Then, I add paint.

4. When it is dry, I erase the pencil lines, and trace over where they were with black pencil crayon. I could have used pen, but I like the softness of the pencil crayon.

Art 7.4: Newspaper pet portraits!

First, look up pictures of animals and choose your favourite one for this activity. Look at different pictures of your chosen animal to get a sense of what kind of shapes you’ll need to make your collage. If you have a pet, you can also use them as inspiration!

Second, grab an old newspaper or book (ask your family if it is ok first!) and start cutting out the various shapes you’ll need for your portrait. *If you want to stain your newspaper in different shades like in the examples, you can try tea-staining some pages or rubbing coffee grounds on them. Let them dry before continuing!*

Third, start making your collage! Cut out new shapes or move them around if you need to. You can use coloured or plain paper for certain parts of your portrait if you want. When you are satisfied, glue it onto a blank piece of paper, which will be your background.

Lastly, add features using a black marker and/or black paper. Add eyes, a nose, a mouth, spots, rolls, whiskers, ears, etc.! You can also add some fun colourful items like a scarf, glasses, hat, etc.

Have fun with the assignments this week, brilliant Division 2!

Mystery Message: Can you translate the message from ASL or French into written English? Comment on this post if you can! Bonus points if you can answer my question in ASL and/or French (send me a video). 


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