Weekly Assignments – May 11-15

Hello wonderful Division 2!

Weekly Assignments Chart – May 11-15

I hope you all had a lovely weekend!  A huge thank you again to Reyhan’s mother for leading last week’s Q&A on COVID-19. Shairose shared so much information on the virus and answered everyone’s questions very well. Please see the new page on our website for recommended information:

COVID-19 Information

We will have a class meeting again this morning at 11:00 am (Monday), and again on Wednesday. Please tune in shortly before 11:00 am to connect with classmates through the chat, to practice Math skills, discuss Front Desk, and this week, to learn more about natural resources! I will also be making phone calls according to the schedule. Please let me know if you would like an alternate time.

Please click here for this week’s Weekly Assignments Chart – May 11-15.

For Math this week, please work in your paper booklet. I have included photos of the pages in the assignments on Teams in case they are needed. Please document and upload your completed work on Teams.

Front Desk” by Kelly YangLiteracy 6.1 Video – Front Desk – Chapters 9-10 and Front Desk – Chapters 11-14 If the video I have uploaded does not work, please try these YouTube links:
Ch.11: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SOuKk0l-Gk
Ch. 12: https://youtu.be/nrueOe5Phbg
Ch. 13:https://youtu.be/msvX8gQH3vw
Ch. 14: https://youtu.be/km9PC0ujCNU

Literacy 6.2 Video – Front Desk – Chapters 15-16

Chapter 15: Front Desk – Chapter 15

Chapter 16: https://youtu.be/DBlIe6921jI/

I have added a page on our website for Front Desk Chapters (see the right sidebar to find it). If you need to find chapters from past weeks, this might be easier than scrolling through old posts.

Front Desk Chapters

What is Coal? - WorldAtlas.com
Wait. If coal is formed by sediments undergoing heat and pressure, is it a sedimentary or a metamorphic rock?! Copy the link here for the answer: https://www.uky.edu/KGS/coal/coal-rock.php

Social Studies: Two weeks ago, I asked you to think about the products in your house. What natural resources were they made of? Last week, I asked you to learn about the rock cycle. This week, we’re going to try to put those two concepts together while learning about coal, oil, and natural gas. Coal is a combustible sedimentary rock, which means it is a rock that can be burned! Coal is used for more than one third (that’s 33.3%) of the world’s energy! It is a very important natural resource, but it can be a controversial one. This week, I would like you to read about coal, oil, and natural gas on Epic (Social Studies 6.2), practice your research skills on recommended websites (Social Studies 6.3), and begin to compile a pros vs. cons list for natural resources in Canada (Social Studies 6.4). Over the next few weeks we will be adding to this list for various natural resources, but this week, we will begin with coal. To complete your list, use information from the suggested websites, the assigned books and other books on Epic!

Coal explained - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)


Phys Ed 6.3:
Head outside with a notebook and go for a casual walk or hike in a park or natural space accessible to you. Remember, since time immemorial, First Peoples have been practicing close relation to nature on the land you will be exploring. Take a look at whose Traditional Territory you are on here. You’re going to walk around and visit the first plant you see that catches your eye, or one that makes you feel certain or think ‘that one!” Sit, kneel or stand and inspect the plant. You may choose to touch or feel it, but do so gently, avoid damaging plant life. Now, see what happens when you quietly listen to the plant and focus your senses on it. For example, take notice of what you see and any thoughts, feelings or senses that come up as you are with it (remember, everyone feels differently, and anything you feel is ok!). Consider asking yourself questions like: What do you like about it? What are you curious to know more about? Try saying “I see you as a part of me” aloud a few times as you look at it. How does that make you feel? Does the plant feel like a friend? Do you feel it watching you back? What does connecting to this plant mean to you, based on your values? Do you want to give it a name to remember it? Have patience in this process and let your mind relax and quiet down. Try taking 6 slow deep breaths to help you relax. Spend at least 5 minutes per plant, but feel free to spend more time if it feels right. When you feel done visiting a plant, reflect for a moment in your notebook about what you saw, felt and thought. Think about questions that came up and write them down. Visit at least 2 more plants that catch your eye and repeat the process. Feel welcome to visit more, if you like.

Responsibility 6.1 and 6.2 suggest you write a letter! I have added a tutorial and written instructions on letter writing in our “How To..” section of the website. If you aren’t able to write a letter, try writing an email!

How to… Write a Letter!

How to Send an Email

Responsibility 6.3 suggests you sprout seeds!You can plant directly in the ground, in potting soil in a cup, or sprout them in damp paper towel (though with this option, they will not grow for long).

How to Grow Sunflowers for Seeds Gardening with Kids - Seed to Plant in Clear Cup ~ Putti ...Germination of sunflower seeds A: germination seeds on GM medium ...





Art 6.1 – Dreamscape Collage. See the video below for a good example of how you can use layering of paper, magazine pictures, and your own drawing to create an image.

ADST 6.2: Make a face mask! There are links in the Assignments Chart to two different styles of masks. *Homemade masks cannot be guaranteed to offer the same degree of protection official PPE (personal protective equipment) but are better than no mask at all.

Art 6.3 – “Stained glass”. Check out the “stained glass” Heart Map made by Julie last week! Mrs. Lee came up with the idea to make a piece of heART that lets the sun shine thorough, using black paper and coloured cellophane. If you have materials like this at home (maybe for wrapping presents?), you can try it too! First, draw designs on a piece of black paper. Line it up with a second piece, fold it, and cut through your designs. Use coloured cellophane, or colour on pieces of wax paper with a permanent marker, and glue them over the cut designs. Finally, glue the second black paper over the first, to create your “stained glass” masterpiece!

Art 6.3 – Cellophane and black paper
Art 6.3 – stained glass heART









All the teachers and staff at Glenwood miss you very much! We are inspired by Dr. Bonnie Henry’s message that “this is our time to be kind, be calm, be safe.” Download this colouring sheet with Dr. Henry’s message, if you wish: BeKindBeCalmBeSafeColouringPage

Be kind, be calm, be safe. We miss you!


Can you translate the message from ASL into written English? Comment on this post if you can! Bonus points if you can answer my question… Click on the link to see the video: Mystery Message – May 11

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