April 1 – Update

Hi Div. 2!

I miss teaching you!  I hope you have been enjoying the few hints of nice weather we have had this week.  I am trying to get outside more often, even just for walks around my neighbourhood, to get fresh air and watch the signs of spring.

This post is an update on a few important things, and an update on what I have been doing while at home.  

Firstly, the school business:

  • If you have had trouble logging into student email accounts, we are reviewing log ins and passwords to make sure students have access as soon as possible.  I will send emails to parents to confirm log ins and passwords as soon as I have the updated information.  Thank you for your patience!
  • School activities will begin next Monday. It will not be expected that you do a full day of school work, but we will ease into academics as we learn how to do learning from home together.
  • Currently, students will not have access to the school building to pick up supplies, unless they are essential items (ie: medicine, EpiPen, or electronic technology).
  • As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email me at mairi.anderson@burnabyschools.ca .

Secondly, this is what I have been doing to keep busy: 

My (currently quite bare) garden plot
A selfie next to the garden

With my free time during Spring Break, I began preparing for a small garden plot in my back yard.  It does not look like much right now, but I have started tomato, kale, and arugula seedlings inside to transplant when they have grown strong enough.  I will also be planting basil, radicchio, lettuce, spinach, and corn.  Oh!  Also some wildflowers to help pollinators like bees and butterflies have food to eat too.  I am very excited for these seeds to sprout up!

Keeping in touch with friends and family is different right now, since we cannot meet in person.  However, I have been making phone calls and video chats with my pals, parents and grandmother.  It is so good to be able to visit virtually.

A few of my hand sketches. I started with a messy blind contour (not looking at the page), and kept going to the more fully-rendered sketch.  I challenge you to try it out!

I have also been getting back into art practice.  I am enjoying sketching small things around my house, or even using my hands as models!  Artists often sketch their hands, since they are always with them and can be challenging models in many different positions.

I recently discovered a series of forest trails near my house.  I have been going on walks and runs around the trails to keep at least a little active.  My bike has not received as much attention from me as regularly.

I have also been reading a lot more than usual.  Do you remember my Term 2 goal to read at least 30 minutes every day?  Well, I am certainly reading more than that most days now!  I finished a long book I started in January, but now am looking for a new book to read.  Do you have any suggestions of your favourite books?  Let me know in the comments. 

That’s all I have to update you on right now.  What have you been up to?  I would love to read about your Spring Break, and what activities you have found to do at home!  Send me an email or write in the comments section below.

I’ll be in touch soon!

6 thoughts on “April 1 – Update

  • Dear Ms.Anderson,

    during spring break I have been doing lots of gardening in the back yard, planting lots of different plants, flowers,
    and vegetables. As well as getting outside as much as posable every day, I have also started to make a presentation and video using some photos from around the house and garden.

    • Dear Brora,
      Thank you for responding to my invitation to tell me about your break. I am so happy to learn that you too have been gardening and spending time outside. I hope that I can see your presentation and video when they are complete. 🙂
      Ms. Anderson

  • So interesting to hear from you to plant something s,. Actually, Betty also did kind of work! Btw, I like cycling too!



    • Hi Britain,
      It is exciting that Betty also got to plant some seedlings! I hope you have been able to get out on bike rides too.
      Ms. Anderson

  • Hi Ms. Anderson it’s me Mateo and my Mom:)
    Over the spring break, my dad and I worked a lot together in the garden and I was able to help him do some landscaping work too.

    My mom started planting tomatoes, peas and lettuce in starter pods in February. They are growing fast!
    I drove the tractor to rototiller the garden, while Sophie, my dad and I also planted some of our seeds.
    We planted:
    Peanuts!!! YUP we are going to try it for the first time this year.

    My dad took us out to Britannia Beach for a drive to get some fresh air today. It was nice to go for a drive too.
    Everyday I wake up and go feed our chickens at 7:30am and 4pm!
    When it’s cold we don’t get many eggs, but when it’s warm we get a lot! Yesterday we got 6!!! That is our record so far.
    Before we weren’t allowed to go out, I was practicing soccer with my best friend and teammate Julian and his dad, my Coach Claudio. I miss soccer and can’t wait for it to start again and see all my classmates and team.
    We also took the dogs a couple of times to Barnston Island and had a lot of fun.

    We hope that everyone is happy, safe and healthy!

    From Mateo & Family

    • Hi Mateo and Family,
      Thank you for sharing about your break! Wow! It seems like you have been keeping busy and active outdoors, caring for the animals and growing plants. How exciting to have a record-breaking number of eggs, and to be planting peanuts too!
      I am glad to know you are doing well and having lots of fun with your family.
      Ms. Anderson

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