March 30 – update for start of Term 3

Hello dear students and families,

I am missing you all a whole bunch!  I am disappointed to not be able to spend time with you in class, and miss your joyfulness, silliness, creative brilliance and thoughtfulness.

I am sure we are all feeling the strangeness of this time.  Staying home for our own health and the well-being of our community is incredibly important, but includes many challenges as well.  I truly hope that you are all safe, healthy, and finding ways to feel hopeful and creative in these weeks we are away from school. 

I will be reaching out by phone tomorrow (Tuesday) to check in with students and parents.  I will be checking in about the electronic technology you will have access to for learning, and any other concerns you wish to share.   

Teachers and staff are taking this week to figure out what continuity of learning looks like.  I hope to give you project ideas that you can try on your own, to offer journal prompts, to share videos and interesting readings, and to interact with you online through our blog, email and online video conferencing.  Please reach out to me through email whenever you have any questions, and I will answer them to the best of my ability.

Teachers and administration are working to plan learning materials this week.  The school district has been prepared a website with grade level activities, called the Continuing Learning Website.  This can be found at:

Intermediate students already have an Office 365 Outlook email account through the District.  We have not yet used this email account in Division 2, but it will be a useful tool for us at this time.  Please take some time to set up the account following the instructions on the Continuing Learning Website.  It is likely that students do not know their pupil numbers yet, so during our phone calls tomorrow, I will provide them to each of you.

At this point, we do not know when students will have access to the school building to pick up personal items.  We will be working on a plan to do this in the most responsible way. 

Thank you for being the wonderful people you are, Division 2!  Be kind to your families and to yourselves too.  Take time to rest and check in with how you are feeling.  Reach out to the people around you if you need support.  This is a tricky time, and adults might not have all the answers, but we care about you so very much!

P.S.  Gillbird is doing just fine.  😊 


6 thoughts on “March 30 – update for start of Term 3

  • Hi Ms. Anderson. How are you? This is Sonam. I am doing good and I miss you so much all your fun games and exercises in Gym and also Resortive Justice. I am glad that gillbird is doing just fine. Stay safe and take care. Bye

    • Hi Sonam!
      I hope you are healthy and happy. I miss you too, and all the fun activities of our class. I am looking forward to connecting with you by phone and email soon!
      Take care,
      Ms. Anderson

  • Thank you, Ms. Anderson.

    Much appreciate the email and your dedication to your students, who are our kids. Looking forward to speaking with you. Stay safe.

    Nizam (Reyhan’s Dad).

    • Hello Nizam,
      Thank you for your kind note. I hope you and your family are keeping safe and healthy. I certainly do miss working with your kids, my students. Looking forward to speaking with you as well.
      Ms. Anderson

  • Good morning Ms. Anderson. Hope all is well with you and Family.
    Thank you for having the time to check on us. We highly appreciate it.
    Because I am a Health care worker, it is difficult not to worry for my family. We, as a family, we tried to make it as normal as we can despite of what is happening outside and the world. I started home school with Garrison, together with his little brother Janson yesterday. We stick to their routines from going to bed early and getting up and be ready as they’re going to school. I admit, it is very difficult and challenging to make them listen and stay as they were in class.They tell me what is the routine in their classrooms , from beginning to end ( Monday-Friday), what they usually do and I follow it as my structure. They sure do break times too and they go outside lol.
    I am doing my very best to give them the lessons that I think will help them.
    Thank you for letting Garrison keep the textbook for Math, its been very helpful.
    Stay safe.

    Best regards,

    • Hi Rosie,
      Thank you for reaching out through the blog, and thank you greatly for your work in Health Care. We all are so grateful for the work you do to help our community be healthy and safe. I understand that there are a lot of stresses and disruptions to routine right now, and I hope you are all adjusting alright.
      It is great to know you are helping Garrison and Janson to continue learning at home (and great that they are enjoying some fresh air outside!). We will begin “class” next Monday after I have set up some structures this week. If you are wanting to do more activities at home, but are finding it challenging to focus on regular school work, the new Continuing Learning Website has some excellent grade-level suggestions! We do not expect parents to take on a full teaching load, but if you are finding lessons and routines helpful, that is wonderful.
      I hope you are keeping well and healthy,
      Ms. Anderson

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