
The last couple of weeks Div. 6 has been exploring colour and lines. We explored different types of lines and tested out what colours we can make when mixing primary colours (red, blue, and yellow). Then students were challenged to paint a rainbow only having primary colours. They did a wonderful job!



Dear families,

Just a reminder that this Friday, November 23rd it is a Professional Day and there will be no school for students.

Ms. Amiri

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Welcome to Div.6’s classroom blog! It is a place where you will find reminders, important dates, notices, and get a sneak peek of what we are learning.

My name is Roya Amiri and I am the kindergarten teacher at Glenwood! I am new to blogging and appreciate your patience while I’m learning.

We have had a wonderful couple of months at school. Kindergarteners have settled into our class routines. We have been building friendships, playing, and learning lots everyday! Our learning journey is a work in progress and we look forward to sharing our growth. 

Student blogfolios have finally been set up and we will be publishing our first post this week! I encourage you to comment on your child’s posts and have ongoing conversations about what we’re doing at school. 

Thank you for all your support,

Roya Amiri