Welcome to Our Class

This Week in Division 16 – June 24-28

Hi Families,

It is the last week of school!! Time has gone by so fast, and everyone has grown so much 🙂 I can’t believe we are almost at the end of the school year.

Here are some reminders for the last week of school:

***Please return your library books if you have any at home!!
**Please return the School Supplies form – if you have any questions, please let me know.

Monday, June 24 
Class Party
We are going to Me-n-Ed’s! Your child can dress up since we are going to a restaurant!
We will also be eating ice cream in the afternoon. Your child can bring things like chips or other treats.

Tuesday, June 25
We are going to Edmonds Park with the other Kindergarten and Kindergarten/Grade 1 classes to celebrate the end of the year in the afternoon!
We will start walking at 12:30, so we have enough time to play! We will leave around 2:15. 
We will go even if it rains a little, so please dress for the weather!
If you are volunteering to walk with us, please come to the classroom at 12:30!! Thank you!

Wednesday, June 26
Bringing things home – please bring a bag for your child to take their portfolio, extra clothes, and other belongings home.
Home time is at 2:00PM.

Thursday, June 27
Last day of school for students!
We will be giving our report cards on this day and saying our goodbyes.
School is from 8:45-9:45AM. 
***If your child is not able to come on Thursday, please let me know, so I can give your report card on Wednesday! If you don’t pick up your report card, you can get it in September.

Friday, June 28
School is open for staff to clean up. No school for students.

Have a wonderful summer break, everyone! It has been a pleasure to be your child’s teacher, learning alongside and growing with your child. Please take some time to celebrate your child’s growth together at home 🙂

Ms. Zheng

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