• Welcome to Our Class

    This Week in Division 16 – June 3-7

    Hi Families, How is it already June? Time has gone by so quickly. Here are the reminders for this week: Monday, June 3 – Pro D Day No school for students Wednesday, June 5 Last day of Library (Sorry, I got the dates mixed up, but this week is the last week we have Library and we won’t be borrowing books to take home anymore) Friday, June 7 Sports Day!! Students will play in colour teams all day outside with students from various classes and grades at different stations. I will share more information about your child’s team colour before June 7. Home time is at 1:45PM! Have a lovely…

  • Welcome to Our Class

    This Week in Division 16 – May 27-31

    Hi Families, We had an exciting day at the aquarium and I will be sharing some photos soon. Thank you again to our parent volunteers. As we get closer to the end of the year, many exciting things are happening. Tuesday, May 28 Ice cream sandwiches will be given to students who bought them. Wednesday, May 29  Library books – please return them! This will be the last day we have Library. ***Last day to return Beach field trip forms. The $5 can be paid online as well. Friday, May 31 Family Reading – 8:45-9:05 Looking ahead: Monday, June 3 – Pro D Day – no school for students. (Thank…

  • Welcome to Our Class

    This Week in Division 16: May 6-10

    Hi Families, We can’t believe it’s already May! Here are some reminders for the week: Wednesday, May 8  Class photos! We will take a photo as a class and each student will get a free copy of this photo before the end of the school year. We will also take a school-wide photo that will be displayed at school. Library – please return your library books Friday, May 10 Family Reading   Happy Mother’s Day to families that celebrate on May 12. Ms. Zheng Looking ahead: May 16 – Aquarium forms are due. You can pay the $15 dollars in cash or online. This cost covers admission for the aquarium…