April 2nd 2019

  1. Clothing donation notice
  2. Track tomorrow at 8:00 am
  3. French mini lessons on Friday

April 1st (April fools)

  1. clothing donation notice
  2. math 5 page 173 #1-5 due Tuesday

March 14 2019 (pi day)

  1.  Math 5 pictures
  2. Dance club members wear black pants and tight ponytails tomorrow
  3. french mini lessons tomorrow

  1. spring break
  2. report cards go home
  3. selema noon April 3
  4. track meeting Thursday

March 11 2019

1.) Math 5 definitions

2.)Auction Tuesday

3.)report cards go home Wednesday

4.)scholastic due Wednesday

5.) Math 6 Mr.N angle comics due Tuesday

Fri. March 8 / 19

Bring auctions items – Mon.

Report  cards go home -Wed.

Gym strip -T

Movie night tonite

New cities – Mon

Bon Weekend!!

Thurs. March. 7/19

  1. pay due (Fri)
  2. hot lunch (Fri)
  3. movie night (tom)
  4. auction items (Tues)
  5. report cards (Wed)

Wed. March 6/19

  1. pay (Fri)
  2. math 6 Mr. N pg 136 1-2
  3. math 6 Ms. M kahoo (tom)
  4. hot lunch (Fri)
  5. add to your project
  6. scholastic

Tues. March. 5/19

  1. movie night (Fri)
  2. add to project
  3. hot lunch (Fri)
  4. bring auction items
  5. math 5 page 169 7-10 (Wed)
  6. gum day (tom)
  7. happy birthday Audrey!

Mon. March. 4/19

  1. gallery walk (Tues)
  2. hot lunch (Fri)
  3. movie night (Fri 8)
  4. math 5 pg 169 4-6