April 18th 2019

  1. Pay reflection
  2. Pay due tues
  3. Activity gide book
  4. gold student led notice
  5. walkation
  6. Math 5 unit #5 quiz
  7. Track practice tues

Wed. April. 16/19

  1. book fair (24+25)
  2. no school (Fri+Mon)
  3. popcorn and frozen yogurt
  4. track and field meet 4/5 (tom)
  5. yellow work booklet

April 16th 2019

  1. No school on Friday or Monday
  2. Book fair on the 24 and 25
  3. Popcorn and yogurt on Thursday
  4. Math 5 Show what you know #1-6 Due Thursday and  Quiz Due Wednesday
  5. Lice check on Thursday
  6. Choir trip Tomorrow

April 15th 2019

  1. Grade 6 Ms.M Math test tomorrow
  2. Choir festival on Wednesday
  3. No school on Friday or Monday
  4. Grade 6/7 Track tomorrow
  5. Popcorn and yogurt on Thursday
  6. Grade 5 Math test + worksheet
  7. Book fair 24×25

April 11th 2019

  1. Purple booklet due Monday
  2. Clothing drive on Saturday
  3. Yellow booklet one page of your choosing due Monday
  4. Choir notice due tomorrow

April 10th 2019

  1. clothing drive
  2. hot lunch notice

April 8th 2019

  1. Math 5 page 178 #1-11 due Tuesday
  2. Mr.N Math 6 quiz on angles tomorrow
  3. Ms.M Math 6 worksheet due Tuesday
  4. Bank clerk books due Tuesday
  5. Purple booklet due Thursday
  6. Clothes donation
  7. Grade 6 family life notice
  8. Limerick due Tuesday
  9. Gum day on Wednesday

April 5th 2019

  1. Clothing Drive tomorrow
  2. Math 6 Mr.N quiz next Tuesday
  3. Bank clerks pay stubs due next Tuesday
  4. Family life Grade 6
  5. Gum day next Wednesday

April 4th 2019

  1. Gum day next Wednesday
  2. Clothing drive on Saturday
  3. French lessons tomorrow

April 3rd

  1. Selena Noon tomorrow
  2. French lessons on Friday
  3. Clothing drive
  4. Gum day next Wednesday
  5. Volunteer appreciation notice