Category Archives: Homework

12-Wednesday’s Homework

  1. Please give your parents the green notice
  2. Name tags are due
  3. Scholastic is due next Friday
  4. Please bring your money for planners and duotangs
  5. Please have your media and walking form signed
  6. : )

11-Tuesday’s Homework

  1. Scholastic is due next Friday
  2. P.E strip tomorrow as PE will be Monday, Wednesday and Fridays.
  3. You will have your schedule as soon as I have the okay to send it out to students and parents
  4. Next week, we have early dismissal on Wednesday and Thursday at 1:45 for Parent Conferences. I encourage students to come with their parents as this is about the student.
  5. Next Friday is a Pro-D Day
  6. Cross Country Practice is Thursday at 8:15am
  7. Please bring $8 for planners and $0.80 for duotangs
  8. Please get your media and walking permission forms signed

10-Monday`s Homework

  1. Please bring 80 cents for the 8 duotangs I will be giving you.
  2. Please bring $8.00 to pay for your planner.
  3. Remember to finish your name tags.
  4. Scholastic Orders will be due next Friday (Sept. 21)
  5. Please bring all of your school supplies as soon as you can.
  6. You will need a sock, white board felt and an unlined notebook (Common Place Book).
  7. Grade 5`s do not need binders, grade 6`s may need a binder for Math class.
  8. I hope everyone had a great first day!