Category Archives: Homework

2-Tuesday’s Homework

  1. banking sheet (thurs)
  2. math 6
  3. math 5 p.45#1-3(wed)
  4. p.e. strip (wed)
  5. scholastic (tues)

1-Monday’s Homework

  1. Students will be bringing home a catalog for fundraising (due back next Fri)
  2. “ISH” writing -please complete number 4 and 5 (Tues)
  3. Please bring 3 samples of hair (Wed)
  4. Scholastic (due next Tues)
  5. Math 5 (Place Value): pg. 45 #1-3 (Wed)
  6. Math 6: pg. 56-57 #1-6 (Wed)
  7. Please update your Resume (Tues)
  8. French quiz on the alphabet (Tues)
  9. : )

28-Friday’s homework

  1. P.E (Mon)
  2. practice typing on the paper key board(Mon)
  3. library(Mon)
  4. Math 5 pg. 41 #1,3,5,6 (Mon)
  5. Math 6 pg. 52-54 #1-11(Mon)
  6. French alphabet quiz (Tues)
  7. NEW: Please remember you Comfort Kits as they are due (Mon, Oct 1st)
  8. NEW: Cross Country Meet on Monday
  9. Have a fabulous weekend!

26-Wednesday’s Homework

  1. Math 5 Unit 2, Lesson 1, Question 1 (That is it as we did a lot of other stuff today!)
  2. Science KWL sheet -Have 3 points for each section of the sheet due (Thurs) You are allowed to use the text book for help and should have signed one out if needed. (Please place the sheet into my in box)
  3. French alphabet: please complete the sheet by writing out the sounds, not the letter. Please study the alphabet as you have a quiz next Tues. I will say the letter in French and you will write it in English. Practice the song in French with a friend! (Tues)
  4. We cook tomorrow afternoon so please make sure you have your Sprouting Chef notice signed (waiting on 5) Please bring a plastic container to eat your food out of and to bring home. (Environmentally friendly)


25- Tuesday’s Homework

  1. Some students still owe me $8 for planners (2 kids), 80 cents for duotangs (1 kid), permission to eat the food for cooking class on Thursday (10 kids), Weekly Reports signed (4 kids) -these students wrote it in their planner today.
  2. PE strip for tomorrow please (Wednesday)
  3. $2 to donate for Terry Fox
  4. Grade 6’s need to have their notices to allow for their grade 6 shots (Tues)
  5. MATH 5-students need to complete their definition and example for all 5 key words (at the start of Unit 2)
  6.  : )

24-Monday’s Homework

  1. Please bring your altered book to class (Tues)
  2. Math 5 -please complete the dictionary sheet. You need to have all five key words from Unit 2, write a definition and an example (Wed)
  3. Smile : )
  4. Me to We application form is due Wednesday, if you are joining (Wed)
  5. Bring $2 for Terry Fox
  6. Come prepared with your top three choices to apply for a job tomorrow (Tues)

20-Thursday’s Homework

Hello, I apologize for not having the homework on here due to several meetings after school.

  1. Altered Book Pg. 99 answer “Who Am I?” between the lines (flip the book upside down). Pg. 100 and 101 answer the same question but with pictures (draw, use photos, magazines)
  2. Good copy resume is due Monday
  3. PE strip -Mon
  4. Grade 6 shots -notice
  5. Cross Country Meet Monday -meet at 3pm in front of the gym
  6. Me to We write up is due Wed. IF you are joining
  7. Enjoy your loooonnnggg weekend : )

17-Monday’s Homework

  1. Your child should have their conference time written down in their planner for you.
  2. Students will have from 9-9:45 in the lab tomorrow to work on their good copy of their resume. Most students said that is enough time. The sooner we get resumes done, the sooner we can apply for jobs!
  3. Students voted and thought it would be best to buy a 1GB USB to transfer work from home to school. We are supposed to be getting Google Docs and this would allow students to transfer their work without a USB.
  4. Students voted that Scholastic is now due this Tuesday as there is only one student who wants to order.
  5. Please have your white board felts and sock by Wed. so we can use our boards!
  6. This FRIDAY is a PRO-D day
  7. This WED and THURS school will be let out by 1:45 for Parent Conferences
  8. Thank you to everyone who has filled out the questions I sent home, I understand that I will see some on the day of the conference.
  9. Please remember to pay $8 for your planner and 80cents for duotangs.
  10. We still have 9 students who need to hand in their grey media and walking form.

14-Friday’s Homework

  1. Please complete at least two parts of each section for your Draft Resume (For example, Work Experience/Volunteering -provide two jobs you’ve done and include a description for each). This can be found in your white duotang. Monday you need to have it with you so that we can type it out in the lab.
  2. White sheet -this has questions for your parents to answer. Please have your mom or dad complete this by Mon or Tues before the conference. If you would like another copy for your mom/dad to do seperately  please let me know.
  3. Altered books (look at Thursday) due (Wed)
  4. White board felt (dry erase felt) and an old sock (Wed)
  5. Comfort Kit -please fill the plastic bag and return it by Oct 1st for our red Earthquake bin
  6. PE strip and Library (Mon)
  7. I will have your schedule to you by Tuesday at the latest as now I am waiting for our computer schedule. Thank you all for your patience!
  8. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

13-Thursday’s Homework

  1. White notice: Regarding choir which starts Monday the 17th at lunch
  2. Yellow notice: Parent conferences are next Wed. and Thurs. 2-6pm. Please provide me your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice (15 minute intervals). Each meeting will go for 15 minutes and a bell will ring on the PA for the next conference to begin.
  3. Math quiz on adding and subtracting money. Please review how to line your decimals up and where the dollar sign goes. There will be a retest for this quiz, as students need to do well with calculating money before we start the City Game. Good luck studying!
  4. Altered books: On the green notice I sent home, regarding the blog etc., I wrote that students will need a blank notebook. They do NOT need this anymore. My apologies. I’ve just learned of a new idea called “Altered Books” and I think the students will really enjoy this. The students need to bring a book with about 100-200 pages. This book will not be readable after they are done with it. So, students can bring an old text book, cook book or pick up a book from Value Village.
  5. $8 for planners and 80 cents for duotangs.
  6. Media and walking forms signed.
  7. PE strip for Friday
  8. Cross country meet on Monday from 3:30-4:30. Students will find out who is driving tomorrow for Monday’s meet.
  9. Thank you to all of the parents who checked out our classroom blog!! Please keep in mind that the blog will grow as students contribute to the blog. We are still waiting for student passwords to be sent to me. Thank you for your patience.