Category Archives: Homework

Homework dec 4

  1. math 5 pg 31 7-10 all(wed)
  2. math 5 test(fri)
  3. p.e(wed)
  4. math 6 practice sheet(wed)
  5. food bank
  6. french test(next tues)
  7. happy pre-christmas
  8. 🙂

Homework dec 3

  1. math 5 pg 31 7-10 all(wed)
  2. math 6 extra practice sheet(wed)
  3. math 5 test(fri)
  4. food bank breakfast
  5. 🙂


max’s job reflection

My reflection for my city game job

My job in the city game is planner checker. This job made me realize that it was important to get my planner signed because if I don’t I will get fines.

I liked this job because it was easy and I got good pay for doing it I also got the chance to get to know my classmates better.

One thing I didn’t like was that on Mondays it was a rush to get my sheet ready. So maybe we can have the sheets with all the people’s names on it.

Homework nov 30

  1. math 6 pg pg 22 1-4(mon)
  2. math 5 pg 27,28 1-4 e,f 7-9(mon)
  3. p.e(mon)
  4. library(mon)
  5. writeing sighned(mon)
  6. 🙂

Homework nov 29

  1. p.e(fri)
  2. math 6 pg 22 1,2(fri)
  3. math 5 pg 27 1-4 and 5,6(fri)
  4. food bank
  5. me to we posters
  6. 🙂

Homework nov 26

  1. math 6 pg 15 q 1-6 not  6 c
  2. cineplex notice
  3. story draft(tues)
  4. story qustions
  5. 🙂

Homework nov 20

  1. charecter sheet(wed)
  2. scholastic(thurs)
  3. banking(wed)
  4. s.s.mark(fri)get sighned
  5. french marks get ssighned(fri)
  6. math 6 pg 8,9 1-5(wed)
  7. p.e. strip
  8. 🙂


Homework nov 16

  1. no school monday
  2. math 6 pg 8,9 1-5(wed)
  3. scholastic (wed)
  4. banking(wed)
  5. 🙂 smile

Homework nov 15

  1. free write – one page (single or double space on anything you want) (fri)
  2. french house -make sure you have your 15 vocabulary words with “Il y a un/une” (fri)
  3. s.s. project- you have one hour of class time to finish this (due at the end of the day Fri)
  4. Banking (Wed)
  5. P.E (Fri)
  6. Math 5 quiz lesson 1,2,3,5 (Fri)

Homework nov 14

  1. free writeing(fri)
  2. math 5 pg 30 1-6(thurs)
  3. french(fri)
  4. scholastic(nexthurs)
  5. s.s. project(fri)
  6. no school mon
  7. 🙂