Category Archives: Homework

The REAL january 28 (Sorry, mixup on the board)

1. Math 6 118 1-8 wed

2. Lww quiz  signed tomorrow + study ch 15

3.  study french for quiz tomorrow

4. Bring snacks for movie on thurs

5.  science due friday.

january 23 2013


1. STUDY ch 13 vocab 

2.  READ chapter13 in LWW

3.  math (5 and 6)

4.  HOT LUNCH DUE jan 28

5. bring in pennys for penny drive

6. LWW ch 12 +13 QUIZ TOM

7. GRD 5 MATH QUIZ lesseons 1-3 fri


Math 5 pg 83 7-12 (tom) not 8

Pe (tom)

Banking (tom)

Scince (this Fri)

Hot lunch 28

Math 6 pg 111 1-5 (tom)

Y.p.c (tom)

Study french next (tues)

Penny drive

Smile 😀


Math 5 pg.82 7-12 (not 8) (wed)

Lww study ch.12 voconb sheet (tom)

french test (tom)

math 6 pg 111 1-5 (wed)

Smile 🙂 😀 :3 (: 😛 Love ya!!!

January 18 2013

1.  Math 5 pg. 82 1-6 ABC due mon

2.  all of ch 11 due monday

3. Science draft due monday

4. P.E (maybe) on monday

5. math 6 pg 106-107 q 4-9

6. Libray monday

January 17 2013

1. Math 5 pg. 79 7-12 due tom

2. math 6 pg 106 1-3 due tom

3. hockey pool due fri

4. science project drafts due mon

5.Silhouettes bring then tommorow

6. SMILE 🙂 🙂

January 16 2012

1.  grd 6 math pg 100-101 1-6 due tom

2. Math 5 pg 78-79 2-6 due tom

3. French tom

4. Hockey pool due fri

5. Ch 10 key notes due tom

6. study science

January 10

1. Math 5 pg 74-75 # 1-5 abc due tom Math 6 pg 94 4-7 due tomorrow

2. Scholostic due tues

3. P.E Tomorrow

4. Altered book due tom

5.Banking for bank clerks

January 2013 9

  1. Math 6 pg 94 # 1 2 3 due tom
  2. Scholastic due tues
  3. Altered book due fri
  4. Banking 4 bank clerks due fri
  5. Science project presentation next week
  6. Don’t smile Don’t Pass Go Never get 200 bucks for no reason. JK J J J J J : ) J : ) : J ) J ):: )): ): ): ): ): ):: )J ): )J: )p: J ): ):

  1. Writing: circle writing on key points, due tom
  2. Math 6 pg 91 # 5 and 6 + 8 – 10 due tom + test signed
  4. Pay due tom
  5. Scholastic due next Tuesday
  6. Altered book due fri
  7. SSMAYYYYYYALLLLSSSS J J J L L L Hi hi hi bye bye bye hello hello helo goodbye goodbye goodye