Category Archives: Homework

feb 15

1. ss map due tues

3.  ss quiz regions thurs

4.  math 6 pg 173 174 1-6 mon

5. aquavan moneys and notice mon

6. pe mon

7. library books mon 


feb 13

1. hand in water book fri

2. lakes and bays quiz fri

3. french fri

4. regions quiz thrus next

5. rivers water bodys quiz next wed

6. writing fri

7. aqua van money tom

8. scholastic due fri

9. sanx 4 tom

10. green socials booklet due tom

11. grd 6 dance money due tom $2

12. math 5 test fri

13. math 6 hmk pg 168-169 due tom 1-6

feb 13

1.quiz on lakes and bays fri 

2. pe tom

3. french due fri under half due tom

4. S.S tom

5. bring money for grade 6 dance ♥♥♥

6.math 5 pg 95 8,9,11 9-15

7. math 6 pg 168- 169 #1-6

8. bank clerks thurs


feb 8

1. no school monday

2. math5 pg 95 8,911,12,13 pg 144 9-15

3. SS wednesday

4. art/french fri

5. pay tues

6. schoolastic thrus

7.aquarium next thurs


1) Math 6 Pg 165 # 5-9 tomorrow

2) Math 5 Pg 94 # 1-7 abc only

3) P.E. tomorrow

4)S.S. next wed

5) banking tuesday

6) Writing tomorrow


8) Schoolastic tuesday

9)donate baked goods tomorrow and tuesday

10) pennies

11) Science mark signed!

12) Smile 🙂


1)Math 5 Pg 90 #1-7

2) PE tomorrow

3) LWW test signed

4) Science mark signed

5) 2 noteses

6) Bring Pennies/Baked goods(Fri/Tues) NONUTS

7) Schoolastic

8) Smile 🙂


february 1st!

1. pro d day mon

2. math 5 pg 90 1-7 due wed

3. Bring all of science project tues

4. bring pennies

5. french quiz? retest tues  


january 31

1. pro d day mon

2. banking 4 bank clerks due tom

3. math 6 yellow sheet tom and test tom

4. math 5 pg 86 # 2,3,7-11 test signed tom

5. pe tom

6. Science project due tom

january 30

1. writing from group due thurs

2. rewrite french test recess fri

3. math 5 p 86 1,4,5,6 tom

4. math 6 p 119 9-15 due tom

5. science project due fri

6. pennies jump rope money

7. brik snacks tom 4 movie

jan 29

1. science project due fri

2. P.e

3. Math 6 118 1-8 + 9-15 due wed and thurs and test on fri

4. LWW quiz tom ch 16 +_ 17

5. Bank clerks tom