Category Archives: Homework

Wensday October 2nd 2013

1. Gr.5 math homework page 42 #6-9 (Thurs)

2. Gr.6 math homework 57-58 (Thurs)

3. Paragraph (Tues)

4. Spelling quiz (Thurs)

5. Banking quiz (Fri)

6. SMILE!!!!!!!

Tuesday October 1st 2013

1. Gr. 6 math homework 56-57 (Wed)

2. Gr.5 math homework 41-42 1-5 not 4

3. Vollyball notice

4. Scientific Method draft (Fri)

5. Hot lunch order (Fri)

6. Spelling Quiz Thursday

7. Daily writing due Wedsday  at lunch

8. Scholastic order due Wedsday

9. SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday-September 30th 2013

1. Gr.6 math page 56-57 1-8 (Wed)

2. Gr.5 math homework page 41-42 1-3, 5 (Wed)

3. Me to We notice (Tues)

4. Spelling quiz signed and quiz Thursday

5. Digestive system crossword (Wed)

6. Scholastic order due (Tues)

7. Hot lunch order due (Tues)

8. SMILE!!!!!!!!

Friday-September 27th 2013

1. Gr.6 study six time stables

2. Gr 5 L:1 page 38 math homework (Mon) 4-6

3. Gr.6 immunization form

4. Me To We notice (Tue)

5. hocky pool noticE

6. Scientific method  draft (October 4th)

7. SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday-September 26th 2013

1. Read 20 minutes

2. Gr.5 math homework page 38 #1-3 (Fri)

3. Gr.6 page 52-54 (odd number’s) due Friday

4. Me To We notice due Tuesday


6.  $ Terry Fox!

7. Sholastic order due Tuesday

8.Hot lunch notice (September 30th)

9. Comfort kits!

10. SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wed.-September 25th 2013

1. Spelling quiz (Thurs)

2. Sholastic order due Tuesday

3. Gr.6 math page 52 (Fri)

4. Gr.5 math page 38 1-3 (Thurs)

5.  $ for Terry Fox

6. Gr.6 time tabbles drill

7. Mr.Post’s math group homework (Fri)

8. Read 20 mins

9. Cross Contry practice (Thurs)

10. Me to We notice (Tuse)

11. SMILE!!!!!!!!

Tues-September 24th 2013

1. Sholastic order (Tues)

2. Reading club passport

3. Gr.5 active program

4. Read

5. Gr.6 Immunization form

6. $ for Terry Fox

7. Comfort kit

8. Mr.Post’s math group test

9. Gr.6 math page 48

10. SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!

Mon -Sept 23rd 2013

1. Gr.6 math homeworh (Wed)

2. Spelling Quiz signed (Tues) 

3. Money Quiz signed (Tues)

4. donate as much money as you can for Terry Fox

5. Comfort Kit

6. USB/email

7. Gr.6 Immunization shots Form

8. Read every night for 15 mins


Feb 19

1. banking tom

2. BC due thurs

3. ss water bodies and rivers quiz tom

4. ss regions quiz thurs

5. math 5 corrections tom +  test signed

6. pe tom

7. math 6 pg 174 1- 6

8. french work + quiz tues


10. scholastic tues


feb 18

1. ss map tom

2. rivers and water bodys quiz wed

3. regions quiz thrus

4. math 6 pg 173-174 1-6 due wed

5. math 5 corrections wed

6. writing quiz tom