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Wednesday May 13th

Here is our week’s mystery science: How is Glass Made?. It is a mini science with some neat bonuses, two that relate to our recent wonders about volcanoes!  

  1. Watch video 
  2. Watch bonuses 
  3. Do the online reflection form! 
  4. Try an extension, if you can! 


After you watch, you could try one (or both) of these activities: 

  • There is an experiment you can do at bonus #1, but you will need an adult because it involves fire!  
  • Go on a glass “scavenger hunt” in your home. You likely have windows made of glass, but what else? How many different glass objects can you find? How do you know that they’re all glass? Write or draw at least three things you notice that all of these objects have in common. Write or draw at least three things that are different about the objects.     

Check out your math team for a new activity posted today! 

Tuesday May 12th

Hello Div. 5! Happy Tuesday!

Did anyone find any frog leaf yesterday? It was a nice day to explore outside! Thank you to all who joined our class meeting on zoom yesterday! It was wonderful to see your faces and connect! Our next class meeting will be Tuesday May 19th @ 11:00 am, due to Monday May 18th being a holiday!

Today for all who would like to join there will be a read aloud and check in on Teams at 10:15 – 10:45. I will be reading “The Kingdom of No Worries” by Philip Roy!

All of your lovely rainbows have been put together into a slideshow with the rainbows from the rest of the school! The rainbows are a symbol of joy, connection and hope! Click here to check it out The Rainbow Connection Project!!


Today you can continue to work on your inquiry research! Remember that assignment #3 has guiding questions that are just to start you off. If you have other interests or wonders about your country keep researching and finding information that you’re curious about!!

Assignment #4 is now up for your inquiry where you can start to take your research and put it in your own words to create your PowerPoint. Even if you are in the middle of your research you can still start your PowerPoint!

Additionally you can also keep working on your math assignments from yesterday or any other unfinished assignments & activities! 🙂

As always if you need any support or have any questions you can ask your peers on the support channel or message me in our private channel!!

Monday May 11 – Plant Mondays

Good morning, Div. 5, 

I hope you had a wonderful weekend celebrating the amazing people in your lives! 

Reminder we have a Class Meeting at 11am for those who can attend!

This week’s plant is frog leaf, also known as plantain. This is another simple one. You will have to look closely at the leaves, but you will soon realize that you have seen this plant around quite a bit. Can you see why it is called a frog leaf? Although it was not originally from North America, this plant lived and shared so harmoniously, that people often think that it has always belonged here. It has a home here now.

Here is a guide from Lori Snyder explaining traditional understandings (Black and white photo to the left).

Here is a video to help you identify and learn about one of the ways you frogleaf has been traditionally used by the Squamish First Nations: 





Don’t forget to check your Math Team for another new assignment! 🙂

Friday May 8th

Good Morning Div. 5

It was so lovely to connect with all of you during our class meeting on Zoom yesterday! I miss seeing all your smiling faces each day!

Today you can work on your Figurative Language #2 assignment focusing on Metaphors! Can you figure out what the differences between similes and metaphors are? How can you incorporate metaphors into your writing?

STEM in Everyday Life: Video Challenge

I wanted to let you know about a special STEAM Video Challenge that the Burnaby School District is doing! Here are the details below. This is completely optional but we wanted to make sure you knew about it!

Explore an event, object or idea in your everyday life through a “STEM lens” in an engaging video using your tablet or phone.

Enter by: May 25, 2020

    • open to Burnaby K-12 students–there are prizes for Primary, Intermediate and Secondary
    • students can enter on their own or as a group (of 2 or 3)
    • to enter the contest, students must provide their teacher with the following:
    • video cannot contain any copyrighted material
    • video should not contain video clips from other sources
    • video should be original live footage or student created animation
    • video should be filmed in British Columbia, and follow COVID rules as given by our Provincial Health Officer

*note: free music sites are available online

More details can be found here!

Don’t forget about the special day this weekend! See the general page on Teams for some ideas! 🙂

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the sunshine!!

Thursday May 7th – Child & Youth Mental Health Day

Good Morning Div 5!

I am really looking forward to our Zoom Class meeting today at 11:00am! I hope you can join us!

Today is Child and Youth Mental Health day. Especially during these hard times where we are separated from our classmates, friends and loved ones it’s really important we check in with ourselves and make sure we’re doing okay.

Today is Child and Youth Mental Health day. Especially during these hard times where we are separated from our classmates, friends and loved ones it’s really important we check in with ourselves and make sure we’re doing okay. It is also important to remember that there are so many people in our communities that care about us, even during this time of social distancing.


Did you know spending a few minutes each day reflecting and being mindful can help you feel better!?

Today we will be starting a Mindfulness Journal that we will add to each week! It is important for us to take a moment each day and check in with ourselves and see how we are feeling. Some days you might be asked to write a little, draw a little, or just practice some breathing! They’re quick and impactful.

Art & Poetry

Check out teams for some links to some wonderful art and poetry activities to help you prepare for a special day that is coming up.

As always you can keep working on your math, inquiry and any other unfinished activities! 🙂


Wednesday May 6th

Good morning Div.5  Scientists!

Today is Wednesday, so it is time for more science! Today’s mystery science is all about spring and flowers. How can we better understand the world around us?

  1. Watch the video: How do flowers bloom in the spring & watch the bonuses (so cute)!
  2. Try the activity (you don’t have to print anything – you can just create your own versions!
    • Making your own moving flower!
  3. Reflect on the activity (form below)
  4. You can try an extension!
    • You can see for yourself how water moves inside a plant. Fill a glass with water and add a few drops of red or blue food coloring. Place a white flower in the glass. Wait a few hours and watch to see what happens. Look closely at the flower petals. What do you notice? Repeat this experiment, but use a stalk of celery or a lettuce leaf. What do you predict will happen?

P.S. There is a special day coming up this Sunday! I will be sending you more ideas for this day tomorrow!

You can check your math channel for another math activity! Please remember to work at your own pace 🙂

Finally, quick reminder to check out the general page on Teams to see details for our class meeting on Thursday at 11am! 🙂

Tuesday May 5th

Hi Div 5!

Today we’d like you to continue working on your inquiry research. Hopefully at this time you’ve picked the ONE country you would like to focus on.

Connecting to your explorations of dandelions yesterday can you find some information about the plants and landforms of your inquiry country? Do they have dandelions there?

  • What plants are found in your country?
  • Are there any interesting landforms such as mountain ranges, deserts, volcanoes, etc.?

Some of you have already finished all the inquiry prompts, which is amazing! Today you can focus on extending your research to questions you’ve created on your own. What else are you interested in learning about your country? Follow your curiosities!

Epic Reading!

WOW, currently as a class we’re at 799 books read and 251.5 hours read!!! I can’t believe how much you’ve been reading on Epic!

It would be great if you reflected on the reading you’ve done so far and share what you’ve enjoyed reading by completing a book review! You can find the book review template in your assignments on Teams!

You can also keep working on your math assignments from yesterday! 🙂

Lastly if you haven’t seen the post on Teams we’re having a Zoom class meeting on Thursday at 11am. Please see Teams for meetings details!!

Have a lovely day! <3!

Monday May 4th

Today is May 4th also known as Star Wars day! 😊 I know there are many of you out there that love Star Wars! You can check out this video teaching you to make a baby Yoda with a pop-out mouth and cup. Have fun you will.

Rather take a walk on the dark side? You can check out this video from Art hub for kids drawing a cartoon Darth Vader! Browse their videos for more tutorials on other characters!

Welcome to Plant Mondays!

While you are out walking today, can you find a dandelion? Here is a resource from Lori Snyder, a Métis herbalist who has shares her knowledge with students, teachers, and communities across the district.

Here is one of her guides to plants, all about dandelions. We can understand the dandelions traditional role and medicines in Indigenous cultures. It is wonderful if we can get to know the plants and pollinators around us. I will be posting about a plant each week!  

How many days can you find dandelions on your walks this week? How many dandelions can you find each day?  



Here are many fun ideas for learning with dandelions! 

  • Can you create a dandelion flute? Can you get the tone to change?
  • Can you create dandelion art?

Here are some wonders you might explore with dandelions: 

  • Can you look closely at all the parts of a dandelion?
  • How does a dandelion seed fly through the air?
  • What part of a dandelion flower becomes the seed?
  • Can you see the white fluffy part when you pull the petals from the flower?
  • What does a seed need to grow?
  • Why do you think there are so many dandelions?

Make sure you check out your Math Team to see today’s activities!

As always if you’re not interested in today’s activities you can go through older posts or assignments on Teams and try completing something else!

Friday May 1st

Good Morning Div. 5!

Happy May 1st!

It was so lovely to connect with all of you that were able to join us on our Class Meeting! Hearing from you all made me so happy and made me miss you even more! If you couldn’t make the meeting, do not worry, we’ll have another! Please answer the poll questions on the general channel to share your preference for our future class meetings! 

S.T.E.A.M. Fridays 

Today for your S.T.E.A.M activity you could try out designing and creating your own Dream Bedroom! You can find out details and examples on Teams in your assignments You can also do any of the other S.T.E.A.M challenges that you hadn’t tried yet!

Example of a Dream Bedroom

A great raft build!

A fantastic robot build!






















Read, read, read! 

Find a book to read at home and read in a cozy spot for at least 20 minutes! Can you draw or write about what you read today? You can send a photo! 

Today is Jump Rope for Heart! 

Check out the school’s website for details on the UHE Jump Rope for Heart Challenge!

Get outside and get active! 

Today is supposed to be a nice day before the rain comes this weekend. Make sure you get outside, get some fresh air and stretch your legs. Can you take a walk around your neighbourhood? While you’re out can you search for rainbows made by UHE students? How many can you find? If you don’t live on the mountain, look for other signs of encouragement and support! How many can you find where you live? 

Have a lovely weekend Div. 5!

Thursday April 30th

Good morning, Div. 5!  

I am looking forward to our class meeting today at 11:00am! Please log in to Teams and go to the “General” channel. Please leave your video and microphone off to begin with. It will be our first time using the tool as a class, so we will need to patient with each other! 

  1. Press calendar 
  2. Select our Thursday meeting 
  3. Press “Join now” 
  4. Turn your video off and mute your mic to start 

Mini Mystery Science 

You can check out this amazing mini mystery science video: “Why do birds lay eggs in the spring?” 

There are some incredible and unexpected nests in the bonuses! Nature is so amazing. Once you are finished watching, you might want to see what nests you can find outside. Or even try to create one yourself! What kinds of materials can you use to make a nest? Can your nest hold an egg? Or maybe a marble? 

Today we also have some invitations for you to explore your inquiry project! If you have chosen the country you want to explore, you might be ready to start exploring your wonders. Perhaps, you want to know what animals live in your country (in Assignment #3: “Nature” category). 

Fun activity: take this comeback-critter personality quiz to see which animal you are! Ms. Yee got the Golden Lion Tamarin! 


You could check your math channel for some additional population questions created by Div.4 and Div.5 students! 


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