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Term 1 Reflection

Hi Div. 5

Please use the link below to fill out your Term 1 Reflection or click here

Please ensure you answer questions 1-4, question 5 is optional!


Ms. Yee

Robotics Reflection

Hi Robotics crew!

Please use the link below to complete your Robotic’s Reflection

or click here


Ms. Yee

Mapping our stories and experiences across Canada

Hello Div 5, 

Over the weekend you are asked to explore the stories and experiences you and your family have across Canada. On your map you can include any significant place that hold a story like:

  • Where you live now 
  • Where you used to live (if this was in Canada)
  • Where you were born (if you were born in Canada)
  • Places you have visited
  • Places your family have visited
  • Places where other family or friends may live or have lived before
  • Places that are part of a journey (ex: the flight path of Ms. Yee’s Oma and Opa)

Feel free to include any other places in Canada that hold stories and significance to you and your family.

On the back of you map include a LEGEND that explain what the symbols/colours/dashes mean. 

Please make sure you have the provinces and territories labelled and at least 3 places included on your map by Monday. 

Happy mapping & have a wonderful weekend!!!

~Ms. Yee

Family/Parent Artifact Share

Dear Families of Div. 5


Some time ago Div. 4 & Div. 5 were asked to speak with their families and have them share 3 artifacts. Next week we will be writing about our families’ artifacts. It is very important that Div.5  comes to school prepared! We will be writing about our artifacts on Wednesday.

Families if you haven’t already, please choose 3 artifacts to share with your children. Think about items that represent important places to you and that hold a story you can share. Examples brainstormed were things like family immigration papers, passports, old letters, pictures, etc.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me. (


Ms. Yee

Halloween Festivities

Hello Division 5 families.

Division 5 is spooktacularly excited for halloween on Wednesday! There will be a halloween parade in the gym at 9:05am, where each class will get the opportunity to strut their stuff and show off their costumes. We will be continuing our festivities in the afternoon by having a class party and watching a movie. Students are asked to discuss with their families if they would like to contribute a snack to share on Wednesday. Please do not feel any pressure to contribute something, there will be more than enough. We will be discussing who plans on bringing what and if we’ve got too much on Monday. Please be mindful that we have allergies, intolerances, and dietary choices among our classmates. Please make sure all snacks are nut free. If possible, try for snacks that are dairy-free and vegan (many candies contain gelatin, which is not vegan friendly). 

Many thanks, 

Ms. Yee

October 26th – Pumpkin Carving

Dear families of Div 5. 

On October 26th from 1:10 pm – 2:45 pm we will be carving pumpkins donated by Nesters. If you happen to have the afternoon free, we’d love for you to join us!  

Please ensure your child comes to school with carving tools on that day.


Ms. Yee



Welcome to Div. 5’s Class Blog

Hi families of Div 5. 

We are very excited for the opportunity to share our learning with you on our class blog. Please check in for updates about what we’ve been up to, any homework assignments, and other important information. 

Stay tuned!

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