Hello Division 5!

What will your shape of the day look like?  

  • Can you include elements of each: Well being & Connection, Literacy, Numeracy, Flexible Learning? 

Well being & Connection 

  • I love starting my day with stretching, taking an active break at lunch (I use an app for guided exercises), and going for a walk later in the day. These activities help me stay energized, focused, and happy. Do you have an activity routine? What are your favourite ways to be active? 

Today you can be working on a few simile worksheets on Teams. Similes use “like” or “as” to compare different things. What similes will you come up with? 

As we continue to do a lot of learning on our computers or tablets it’s important that we continue to develop our typing skills. Today it would be great if you did a lesson or two on All the Right Type. Here’s a refresher of how to log in.  

To login: Go to the website for All the Right Type (https://atrtonline.ca) then, select “School User Sign-In” at the top of the page and enter your sign in credentials: 

School Code: canbcsd412081 



Please message your teacher in your private channel if you forgot your username or password!

Have a lovely day!!