Today is Earth Day! How will you celebrate the Earth today? 

You can check out the linkabove and then think about what one thing you can do to take better care of the earth. Let’s all make Earth Day Promises to encourage ourselves to be committed to make a difference!! You could plan to make sure you turn off the water when you brush your teeth, recycle, use reusable containers, make a pollinator garden, etc.  

  • My Earth Day Promise is…  
  • You can post your earth day promise in your private channel or in the communication channel.  

There’s also a Mystery Science you can work on today!

  • In this week’s mystery science we are continuing our study of volcanoes!  We will learn about different kinds of volcanoes and how the thickness of the lava can explain the shape and eruption pattern of the volcanoes.  Using lava made out of water and flour, we will test how different lavas create different shapes and trap gases differently. You can find the video and instructions on teams “assignments”!