Hi Div. 5 families and students,

Thank you so much for sharing your feedback on how distance learning has been going for you so far. I really appreciated hearing how everyone is doing.

This is all new to us, so there’s going to be some things that work well and some things that don’t. We’re all trying to figure this out as we go!

Please do whatever makes sense for your family. Please do not feel pressured to complete assignments. We’re all on our own learning journeys and we all have our own interests and activities that we do outside of school. This is a very unusual time and our distance learning won’t look like what would typically do at school and that’s okay.

If your family is having troubles navigating the online platforms and are preferring to do your own thing or just the blog activities, that’s great too. Anything you choose to do, you can always share in your private channel on Teams to stay connected.

As always in a classroom there’s differences among us. Some of us like structure with due dates, for some of us due dates stress us out and we like to complete things at our own pace.

Going forward when posting assignments due dates will say till June. Whenever you choose to complete assignments is great, if you choose to do them. It is your family’s choice! Please do assignments that make sense to your family and what is manageable.

The guidelines we’ve been given for distance learning each day are as follows:

  • 30 minutes: well-being and connection (physical activity and connecting with friends and family)
  • 30 minutes: literacy activity (reading and writing)
  • 30 minutes: numeracy activity (math)
  • flexible time: flexible learning (passion projects, ADST, STEAM, and beyond!)

At grade 4/5 it is suggested that students spend 90 minutes + flex time a day.

What we CAN do today:

SEL and Connection: Check out Teams and connect with your peers. Chat, connect, share what you’ve been doing. Get active! Get your body moving – dance breaks are a great way to break up your day. Pop on your favourite tune and dance it out.

Literacy: 2 choices today – You can continue to read for 30 minutes by reading a book you have at home or by reading online on Epic or Tumblebooks!

You can also check out your new Country Inquiry Activity where you’ll have to do a bit of reading about different countries and a bit of writing. Try not to spend more than 30 minutes working on this, come back to it another day!

Numeracy: Please check your grade specific math channel for today’s activities.

Div. 5 Goobers do what you feel comfortable working on. If you need any help please ask!!! Try it own your own first, but if you have read instructions or tried it out and don’t get it, ASK! I’m here. It might take a little time for me to get back to you. But please ask for support!!!