Hi Kiddos,

I was so excited and happy to hear so many of your voices yesterday!!! I miss you all so much! I look forward to speaking to those families I wasn’t able to connect with yesterday!

So many of you are continuing your learning at home which is fantastic. I’ve heard some of you have started new inquiry projects, some have been working on math and playing math games, some of been writing in journals, I even heard that someone has started their own book club with a friend from another city! Some of you have been going for hikes, playing games, and spending time with family, that’s wonderful too!! During this difficult time finding something to keep you occupied, happy, and connected is important. Keep up the awesome work Div. 5!

Today’s Boredom Busters…

  • Lately we’ve been hearing a lot about how to keep ourselves safe. Did you ever wonder how exactly does hand sanitizer work? You can check out this mystery science video and activity to find out. You can watch the video, check out the bacteria and virus images from the microscope and then design your own “little alien robot” germ. Give your little germ a name and you can write a story or a comic all about your germ!
  • You can try and play the following math games, you’ll need a deck of cards and for most of the games another human. 🙂
  • I’ve also heard that some of you have been practicing your French on Duolingo! Another great activity to help you continue your learning!
  • Don’t forget to keep reading!!! Have you checked out Tumblebooks or  Audible yet?

Take care and be safe!


Ms. Yee