Hello Div 5, 

Over the weekend you are asked to explore the stories and experiences you and your family have across Canada. On your map you can include any significant place that hold a story like:

  • Where you live now 
  • Where you used to live (if this was in Canada)
  • Where you were born (if you were born in Canada)
  • Places you have visited
  • Places your family have visited
  • Places where other family or friends may live or have lived before
  • Places that are part of a journey (ex: the flight path of Ms. Yee’s Oma and Opa)

Feel free to include any other places in Canada that hold stories and significance to you and your family.

On the back of you map include a LEGEND that explain what the symbols/colours/dashes mean. 

Please make sure you have the provinces and territories labelled and at least 3 places included on your map by Monday. 

Happy mapping & have a wonderful weekend!!!

~Ms. Yee