Hi Div. 5,

I hope you are having a great start to your day! What will your shape of the day look like today? Here is some inspiration to continue your week: 


  • These are very interesting times in our world. Today, you are invited to read a book called Coronavirus: A Book for Children. It can help answer some questions you might be having. You might even want to write a journal response about it. There will be a Coronavirus Story & Journal “Assignment” available to you this morning in Teams. As with other activities, this is optional. However, you might want to continue adding in your journal each week to write about how you are feeling. It might be something very special and interesting to look back at.


  • Check out your math channel for ideas and activities (grade 4’s – you might want to create your online shop!)

Flexible Learning 

This Wednesday is Earth Day! How will you celebrate Earth day this year? 

  • Can you take a walk outside every day this week?
  • Can you check on your spring bud – how much has it grown? Do another sketch!
  • Do you have a special Earth Day project or initiative? Can you create one with a friend?
  • Here is a mini Mystery Science about Earth:How Old is the Earth? 
  • Check out the bonus for some amazing inventions using recycled plastic! Do they inspire you?

Have you started the next part of your Country Inquiry? You can continue to browse the resources and start thinking about what country you’d like to research!

Well-being and Connection 

  • How many different colourscan you see on your walk today?  
  • How many different sounds can you hear?
  • Can you send a photo of your learning to your teacher?
  • Can you phone a friend?
  • Can you connect with your peers on our communication channel on Teams?


If you need anything or have any questions please let Ms.Yee know! 😊