Good morning Div. 5,  

We have come to the end of our third week. I miss seeing all your smiling faces, but I have loved seeing your work, photos, comments, and ideas. Our rainbows are bringing us all together!!

Today and this weekend, there are a few things you can do! 

Being active and enjoy the places you live and love 

  • How will you spend time outside this weekend? 
  • Click here to see a live stream of an eagle’s nest in Delta… they are waiting for one more egg to hatch! I wonder how many nests are on Burnaby Mountain. What birds do you hear and see this weekend? 
  • Next Wednesday, April, 22 is Earth Day! Do you have an Earth Day ideas to share? 

Distance Learning Survey 

  • Please fill in our distance learning survey to help your teachers understand how you are feeling so far. 
  • Students: you can find this on Teams 
  • Families: you will receive an email 


  • Check your math channel for games, activities and special challenges 

Finish up

You can finish up any activites that you still have left to do on Teams like Mystery Science, National Geographic Country Scavenger Hunt, Rainbow Art, math activities or Songmaker.

STEAM Friday! 

Amir’s Marvelous Marble Run Challenge! 

Calling all engineers!  Amir has created a marble run challenge for our classes! Thanks for your great idea, Amir! 

The requirements are: 

  • It can be made on your wall or door (with permission! Masking tape is a pretty gentle tape) 
  • Your space can be up to 4 feet by 2 feet and 3 inches (or whatever space you have available) 
  • You have to make a start and end, but the middle is your all your own creativity 
  • You can send a video so we can see 
STEAM Robot Challenge! 

There are so many tools and inventions in our homes that help make our lives a little easier. Your STEAM challenge today is to create a model (a smaller version, not actual size) of a robot that could help you with housework.   

Your robot should have a least one movable joint, like an arm that can go up and down. Your robot needs to help you complete a housework task like sweeping, cleaning, cooking, etc. You can use whatever materials you have at home and that you have permission to use. Things like cardboard, tin foil, paper, tape, toilet paper rolls all would make some cool robots! If you don’t have many building supplies, you could draw out a design for a robot instead!   

Design Requirements: Completed model robots will have a least one movable joint.  

Performance Requirements: To be considered successful, the robot should be able to help you with housework of some kind.  

Don’t forget to follow our STEM Planning steps!  

  1. Describe the problem. What do you want to happen?  
  2. Brainstorm your ideas  
  3. List the materials you will need  
  4. Draw and label your designs  
  5. Write down the steps to your plan  
  6. Test your design. Describe how you tested it and what happened  
  7. Record your results  
    • Did your robot have a moving joint?  
    • Could it help you with housework? What kind?  
  8. What worked and what would you differently next time?  

Extension: Write an advertisement on your Robot, detailing all of it’s amazing features! What price would you sell it for? Why would people want to buy it? Be creative in your ads!  

Make sure you send pictures to show off your amazing designs! Happy creating!