Good morning, Division 5,  

I hope you are having a great start to your day. 

One of this week’s projects is creating art that connects us. People all over the world are creating rainbows and sharing them in their windows and balconies. Rainbows can be a symbol of joy and hope, often coming after a storm. Please join us in creating rainbows to share with our community.  I have posted our UHE “Rainbow Connections” video on Teams, with a beautiful video created by Ms. Cowan. In it, she shares inspiration and ideas to create your rainbow. How many ways can you create a rainbow? Please upload or send your photos in to be part of the collaborative, school-wide project.  


The second assignment that will be posted on Teams is a mystery science! 

This week, we are doing a mystery science lesson that is a bit longer than the previous ones. Many of you were excited to move on to rocks, rock cycles, and earth sciences! And today’s mystery science will be all about volcanoes. 

  1. First watch this mystery science video about volcanoes! 
  1. Do the mapping activity! (You are not required to print them) 
  1. Answer the assessment questions! 


  1. After you complete the lesson and activity, you can try this extension (right click the blue to open video in new tab): 

Do you have a favorite volcanoes? Explore these resources! 

If you want some more activities to do, don’t forget that you can check out previous blog posts for ideas. Additionally you can check out the extension activities on Teams!

Check out this great STEM build by another Div. 5 student!