Hello Div. 5,

Your Teams accounts have now been activated. Below are your first tasks to complete on Teams. If you have any questions or troubles finding where the different parts or channels are, email Ms. Yee. Make sure you explore the platform and check out the different features. Remember what you post is there for all to see, be smart about how you are conducting yourselves online!!! 🙂

Please watch this video first!

Exploratory Teams Scavenger Hunt 

1.       Find the General Channel

    • Post a comment in that channel, answering the question – If you could have any superpower what would it be?
      • Try directing your comment to me, by first writing @ then typing your teacher’s name, Christine Yee or Kristina Carley, then continuing with your answer. That way we’ll get a direct notification saying you have messaged us.
      • Example:@Christine Yee  I would want to be able to fly. That way I could go wherever I want, when I want!

2.       Find the Communication Channel

    • Post a comment on the Communication Channel answering the question– If you could turn into any animal which would you turn in to?
      • In the communication channel you’re able to chat with your teacher and peers. Make sure that what you’re posting is appropriate and kind!

3.       Find the Music Channel

    • Mr. Douglas would like to know if you have your recorder at home, if you left it at school, or if it is currently lost and you need to replace it or borrow from the school. (He will be arranging times for families to come in and pick up if left at school or if you need to borrow one)
    • Post your answer on the music channel
      • Example: Ms. Yee: I left my recorder at school, I will need to come and pick it up.

4.       Find the assignment tab on Teams

    • Complete Assignment 1 and submit by Tuesday April 14th
      • While in Teams, go to assignments tab
      • Click assigned to find new assignment
      • Read instructions
      • Complete task
      • Click + Add work to upload documents from OneDrive or your computer (Wherever you saved your work)
      • Once uploaded and double checked, click turn in.


  • Can you find the news page – Welcome to Online Learning in Div 5? What is the top image from? Can you take a guess?
  • Can you find the “Extensions – Bored Busters” file folder? Check out an activity or two! 🙂


Happy hunting!


Ms. Yee