Good morning, Division 4 and 5,


This is certainly an interesting time in our world. Although it can sometimes feel like we are far away from our family and friends, in some ways it can also bring us closer together! We might be making more time to call or send letters to loved ones. We have been spending time with our immediate families – creating, sharing, and learning together. Everyone is working together to keep our community safe and healthy.

With perfect timing, tomorrow is International Day of Pink. This day is about celebrating the diversity in our community and standing up against discrimination. Kindness and support are exactly what we all need right now. Usually, Div. 4 and 5 students come together to create and collaborate, but this year will be a little different.

Today, we want you to think about how you can spread kindness and appreciation in your community in this unique situation. We would like everyone to share a message with their community to show we are all connected, even from afar.

Choose one or more activities for celebrating our community:

  • Create a window sign of encouragement, support, or gratitude for our essential services workers and/or our community.
  • Take part in the 7pm cheer for health care workers
  • Create a sign of support for a local business and email it to Ms. Carley, Ms. Yee, and/or Mr. Harding to print and deliver – how can we stay connected to our local businesses?
  • Write a letter to a family member
  • Call a friend or family member
  • Create a message to share on the blog
  • Can you play an online game with a friend?
  • Wear pink on Wednesday!
  • Come up with another way to encourage your community. How can we celebrate diversity from a far?

Best of luck spreading kindness today and tomorrow as we celebrate International Day of Pink from home. Send me photos of your signs and messages so I can post them on the blog to encourage our community!

At 10am today, Doug will be doing a live stream of his Mystery Science show. Feel free to tune in with your families and friends!