Hi Division 5 Goobers and Families,

I hope you are doing well in this stressful and uncertain time. I miss you all very much and I know you’re missing my terrible jokes too. Myself and the other members of the UHE school community have been in constant contact (digitally of course) and we’re on our way to figure out what online learning will look like for you in these upcoming weeks. Until that is launched please see below for some activities you could be doing to help you continue your learning journey.

A great thing to start with is to think about what your daily routine or “Shape of the Day” will look like.

  • What time will you wake up each school day?
  • Can you choose a special “work space”?
  • Which activities will you do today?
  • Will you have access to technology (ipad or laptop) at a certain time during the day for school work?


Here are some activities you can choose to do today! These are just suggestions, not requirements. There are many ways we can learn at home!

  • Science
  • Math
    • Play some math games to practice your fluency of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts
    • Check out these math websites to help you practice your fluency!
  • Reading
    • Read a book! Or two! Email me what you’re reading and your thoughts so far!
    • Listen to a story from Audible (free collection available)
  • Writing
    • Create a visual journal about spring break – pictures and words about what you did
    • Write and draw about your favourite things about school! You can also include some things you would like to do during our distance learning!
  • Daily Physical Activity
    • Ideas: walking, hiking, yoga, dancing!
    • Remember to take lots of physical activity breaks throughout the day
  • Art
    • Spring is here! Find something to draw outside your window that shows spring is here!

Take care and be safe,

Ms. Yee  🙂