English As A Second Language


Memory Boy

Written By: wongs - Nov• 17•14

Memory Boy

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One Comment

  1. Kamila Vaninova says:

    The Memory Boy book is about the sixteen-year-old Miles and his family. The volcanoes erupted two years ago, but ash is still falling from the sky across the United States. Miles and his family have to leave their Minneapolis to stay safe and to survive, his family must rely on the only thing they have-Miles’s memory.
    When I started to read this book the first 3 or 4 chapters I was a little bit confused but then as I read farther I started to get into details and it became more and more interesting to read it. I really like this kind of books because it can teach you how to survive regardless the situation. I recommend to read this book to those people who like survival. My rate for this book is 8/10 because some parts are boaring and sometimes the author could give more details.

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