Welcome to Division 13!

Hi Families,

Welcome to Division 13 and to Grade 1/2.

This blog is a place where I can easily communicate what we are learning.  I will also use it to post important information and updates on what we are working on in class periodically.

We start class at 8:48am and end at 3:00pm (2:00pm on Wednesdays).

I encourage students to bring a healthy snack and Lunch – please talk to them about the difference between a snack and a treat.

Water Bottle – students will be able to fill their bottles in the classroom

Please send your child in weather appropriate clothing and footwear – we will be going outside everyday rain or shine.  Please send a change of clothing labelled with your child’s name that they can keep on their hook.

Thank you for your patience, your support and your flexibility as we begin the 2023/2024 school year.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you might have. My email is brittany.vanbalkom@burnabyschools.ca or you are welcome to set up a time to talk when you pick up or drop off your child.

Brittany Van Balkom


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