

Please read through these important reminders:

When arriving late in the morning and the outside classroom door is closed, please have your child go to the office for a late slip. Any child who knocks on the door after attendance has been taken will be asked to go to the office before entering the classroom. This is part of Inman’s safety procedure, and we thank you for helping to keep our school running efficiently and safely!

Please read and sign your child’s planner daily. Mme Ubial or Mme Gillingham will be checking the planner daily and using it to communicate with you when needed. Please have your child return their planner every day! Notices are to go in the front pocket of the planner. Please check and remove any notices that come home. Any notices or notes requiring our attention or that need to be handed in to us, please place in the front pocket. Your child has the responsibility of handing in notices to us every morning. Please feel free to write short notes in the planner if you need to let us of know something. For example, if your child will be picked up early then you can let us know by writing a note on that day in the planner. You can also let us know if your child will be absent for a particular day or part of the day due to appointments or trips.

If your child has not yet brought all school supplies, please have them do so by Monday, Sept. 18th at the latest. We appreciate everyone who has already brought in school supplies, as it means your child has the tools to complete the tasks we’ve given them. We would like to start putting work into the different duotangs, so please be sure that your child has brought theirs in. If you are unable to purchase school supplies at this time, please talk to either Mme Ubial, Mme Gillingham or Mr. Chow so that we can make arrangements for your child to have what they need.

Thank you for your attention.