Breathing clearly these days?  Take a walk on over to Stride Ave. Community School and visit our Scented Garden!  You’ll find it near the South side of the building facing Griffiths Dr.  Tucked in a corner under a pink Dogwood Tree, there are 4 barrels that all contain herbs.  There are (in no particular order):

Peppermint, Thyme, Curry, Oregano, Rosemary, Lemon Balm

So, the next time you pass by, fill your senses and breathe deeply!   Can you guess which is which?

***Special note!  A big thank you to the members of the community who help keep the Scented Garden healthy!  Gwen, Cathy, Karen, Ms. Spence and Ms. Chan are some of the women who I know who keep an eye on the plants, often giving them water when they need it.   The water barrel is there if anyone wants to bring a container to help with this.  You are more than welcome!


Ms. Jenny