Have you ever stood under a chery blossom tree and just listened?  Sometimes, I hear cars.  Sometimes, I hear people chatting.  But if I listen very carefully, sometimes I hear the tree buzzing!  Bees love flowers too!

Bees are everywhere these days, and so, so busy!  Sometimes, they even come into the house!  This one was on my window sill the other day.

At first, I thought it was a fly…

But, no!  It was a mason bee that had lost his way.

So, I brought him back outside to a mason bee house so he could get back to work.

To watch a video of him and his friends working at their home, click here

Do you remember this moment last year?  Well, the mason bees are back at the Stride Ave. Community Garden!  Come by for a visit and get a glimpse of the action!   (If you are wondering if mason bees sting, understand that only the girls do and only if they are trapped or squeezed.  In other words, very, very rarely!)

A rhyme to sing to them while you’re there:

Here is a Bee House

Here is a bee house, but where are the bees?

Hiding away where nobody sees.

If I watch and wait and wait some more,

they’ll come out, 1,2,3,4!



Ms. Jenny