Welcome Stoney Creek StrongStart


Dear StrongStart families:

I am hoping you are well and managing this challenging time.  I miss you all very much and often wonder how you are all coping. As a result of this pandemic, I have realized how precious every moment in our lives is.

Rest assured we will get through this together by staying connected and keeping our community spirit alive.  Certainly, our most important challenge is to physically distance ourselves in order to keep healthy which I know can be difficult with young children, but with the support of one another, we can do this.

I hope this blog will be a place we can connect by sharing ideas, resources, songs and encouragement.  Some routine keeps us all feeling safe and secure, so even though we cannot physically be together at this time, we can journey forward through all of this and become a great support for one another.

I look forward to our connection in the weeks ahead.  Please also feel free to offer any input as to what you might like to add to our blog.

Take care,

Ms. Marianna

One thought on “Welcome Stoney Creek StrongStart

  1. Tanja says:

    Thank you for dedicating some time to support families during this period of uncertainty. Early Childhood Educators are a vital primary resource for young children and families.
    Thank you Marianna!


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