Create and tell stories together…

If you want to encourage your child’s imagination, you can collect some toys and other materials from around your home and if you have some playdough or old calendars with pictures, magazine photos, or placemats, let them explore and see what happens.  Is there a story coming out from the materials?

Start just with a few materials and toy figures then build from there.  Encourage your child to tell you what the characters/animals are doing, or how they are feeling?  Then write it down for them and keep adding to the story over time if they continue to show interest.  For older children, you can encourage them to write the words as they sound and read their story to you.  Don’t worry if they are not writing the words correctly for now, they will with more practise.  Most importantly, have fun and enjoy this family bonding time.  If you would like to send me your stories via email, please send them to and with your permission I would love to share them on this blog.

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