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Many students at Stoney Creek can walk along forest trails and identify trees by the seeds and cones they find on the paths. They are learning to distinguish between deciduous varieties and coniferous that grow around our school.
Intermediate students also use reference books to learn about how trees have been used by local Indigenous People to make rain hats from the roots of Sitka Spruce trees, paddles from the Big Leaf Maple and more. Winter is a great time to learn about the oldest and largest living species on Earth — trees.

Ms Brooks and her class created beautiful art using found materials in the forest near our school. Several more classes followed the lead and learned about coniferous and deciduous trees in the process. Perhaps you have walked through the gallery and enjoyed some of the art.


Last year the Environment Club was able to collect and up-cycle 12 lbs of soft plastic into eco-bricks. It was a huge effort by many students who saved snack wrappers and stuffed plastic bottles during their lunch hours. A few teachers also developed a station for making eco-bricks in their classrooms. Ms. Huckle was part of our plastic campaign and she continues to make eco-brick with …

The Plastic Ninjas from Division 11

Brandi Price joined in Place based learning classes at Stoney Creek this week. She acknowledged the Territory and shared knowledge about Salmon. Knowing our ancestors is an important part of our unique identities and our personal story. Learning to acknowledge the territory is important at Stoney Creek.

It was very exciting to walk along the Creek and see all the spawning chum. We are very grateful for the Coast Salish Territory.

Several classes collaborated in making a Community Garden of Love for survivors and all the people lost or affected by Canada’s Indian Residential Schools.  Literacy Lessons developed by Tracy Healy, Burnaby’s Indigenous Literacy Teacher were shared with students. Reflections and artistic responses are captured in photos here. This display is in the main stair well at the school and  it represents hope for more healing.  Huge numbers of students wore orange on September 30, 2020. Stoney Creek supports learning about history. Please ask you child what they know and feel free to leave a comment.

Do you remember last year on June 21, 2020? Here at Stoney Creek Community School we had a ceremony to raise our house post. This powerful carving at the front of our school was created to acknowledge Indigenous People, their stories and to continue a discussion of truth & reconciliation here at Stoney Creek. Splash and Ocean listened to our community and gave us thunderbird, bear, salmon, salmon berries, the creek and the surrounding territory to remember each day. How will you acknowledge this weekend? Perhaps Ms. Good’s blog or Ms. Petrovska’s blog will give you some ideas.


Please acknowledge National Indigenous People’s Day and share how you acknowledge it. Our story continues here at Stoney Creek, thank you for being part of it.

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