Energy is conserved and its transformation can affect living things and the environment

  1.  What is the law of conservation of energy?
  2. Explain the transformation of potential (stored) and kinetic (moving) energy?
  3. What are the significant local and global impacts of energy transformations from technologies ?
  4. Who are first people? What are first peoples perspective on energy?
  5. What is nuclear energy?  How is radiation produced in a nuclear reaction?
  6. Explain how fission and fusion are similar and different from each other.

What is the law of conservation of energy/Explain the transformation of Potential Energy to Kinetic Energy

  1.  What is the law of conservation of energy?
  2. Explain the transformation of potential (stored) and kinetic (moving) energy?

Learn more about the law of conservation of energy and potential (stored) and kinetic (moving) energy:
Learn how to complete your lab calculations:

Review the Concept of Total Mechanical Energy:

Heliotropism in Sunflowers:

Abstract – Learn about gene control of phototropic growth

Young sunflower plants track the Sun from east to west during the day and then reorient during the night to face east in anticipation of dawn. In contrast, mature plants cease movement with their flower heads facing east. We show that circadian regulation of directional growth pathways accounts for both phenomena and leads to increased vegetative biomass and enhanced pollinator visits to flowers. Solar tracking movements are driven by antiphasic patterns of elongation on the east and west sides of the stem. Genes implicated in control of phototropic growth, but not clock genes, are differentially expressed on the opposite sides of solar tracking stems. Thus, interactions between environmental response pathways and the internal circadian oscillator coordinate physiological processes with predictable changes in the environment to influence growth and reproduction.




Energy, nuclear versus electric, learn more about the benefits of each.

Is it possible to build a safe nuclear reactor for household energy use?  Learn more about Taylor Wilson’s plan to build safe small-scale reactors.


Nuclear Boy scouts – Learn more about Boy Genius Taylor Wilson who built a nuclear reactor when he was 14

Site C Dam Informaton:



BC Hydro: Site C Dam Construction



Report on water goverence – Site C Dam is not sustainable