Quiet Time-Jonah

I usually draw and I don’t like how we have to stay in our personal bubble but I do like how we can do anythings that quiet. I feel really peaceful and it helps me stop worrying about stuff. I notice that after people are really sleepy and saggy from how relaxing it is! When I here that its quiet time I feel happy and more relaxed that we can just sit there and do whatever we want that is quiet. I was surprised that I actually liked it because usually I would rather be talking and playing loudly but I never thought I would like it cause it helps me relax! Can we be able to like whisper to people because sometimes its fun to have like drawing contests with your friends.

Quiet Time

Dear student.  We have been doing Quiet Time for a couple of months now…15 minutes, 3 times a week:

1. What things do you choose to do during your Quiet Time?

2. What do you like or don’t like about Quiet Time, and why?

3.  What do you feel during Quiet Time?

4.  What do you notice about it?

5. What does it mean to you?

6. What surprised you?

7.  Do you have any questions?

Before you blog, I expect you to read the QUIET TIME BROCHURE posted on our class website. I look forward to hearing from you.

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