Week 27: Monday April 26th – Friday April 30th

Hi everyone, Reminder: There is no school on Monday, April 26th! We will be continuing our study of animals this week by compiling (organizing, choosing, publishing) our research into our animal booklets and creating a representation (drawing, painting, loose parts art, model, playdough) of our animal, that students will have an opportunity to share next […]


Week 25: April 12th – 16th

Hi everyone, We had so much fun learning about poetry last week.  I was so impressed by how enthusiastic and creative all our ideas are! This week we will continue with Poetry Month by learning about different types of poems, as well as taking on the role of being poets! I n Math, we will […]


Week 24: April 5th – 9th

I hope everyone enjoyed a lovely long weekend! I am excited to begin learning about poetry together this month!  April is often called poetry month. A few questions about poems we will explore… what is a poem? what makes a poem a poem? what might poems have? where can ideas for poems come from? what […]