This week’s theme is about fitting in, learning about having a growth mindset and how to feel comfortable with othersWhen Oliver finally goes in search of his perfect place, he finds that trying to fit in is a lot harder than he thought. But like any puzzle, a little trial and error leads to a solution, and Oliver figures out exactly where he belongs. 


  1. READ: Where Oliver Fits by Cale Atkinson.    

Read Aloud: 


 Growth Mindset Explanation from 

Oliver feels wonderful knowing his true identity. He learned the lesson here to be true to himself, but also to be patient and kind to himself too. This is a great growth mindset lesson for students. 

 Oliver had a fixed mindset. Even with all of his efforts, he was trying to be like others to fit in. He didn’t believe he would find where he belonged unless he changed himself into something he really was not. 

Teaching students to be kind to themselves while they are finding their way helps them to have a growth mindset. 




  • Describe a time when you were a part of something exciting, wild or out of this world! What did you do? Who else was there? How did you feel? 
  • Why do you think Oliver is trying to fit in with others? 
  • Why did Oliver still not fit in, even when he changed himself to fit perfectly 
  • Have you ever felt like you didn’t fit in? Why do you think this was? 
  • How did Oliver demonstrate a fixed mind-set in the story?  
  • What does it mean to be yourself? What makes you…. you? 
  • Why can’t you rush or force your fit? 
  • What can you do when you see others having a difficult time fitting in? 


What makes you… you? Think about the qualities that make you stand out and make you different. How do all the parts of you naturally fit together to make up your unique self?  

  • Can you speak multiple languages? 
  • Do you have any skills that you’ve practiced for a long time?  
  • Are there any hobbies that you really love doing?  
  • What qualities do you really like about yourself? 
  • Do you think/feel differently than others? 

  • Put yourself at the center of the heart – choose how you’d like to represent yourself ex. write your name in interesting letters, create a self portrait, choose an object to represent you.  
  • Choose your favourite pieces that make you… you! Add them into the outer pieces of the puzzle. If you need to divide the 4 large pieces into smaller parts, that’s okay!  Maybe you have more than four qualities that make you…you! 
  • Colour the puzzle. Display your puzzle somewhere where you can be proud of it, such as in a window or hanging on a wall.  
  • Send a picture of your completed work to your teacher 

Free puzzle templates from: (different styles, number of pieces, etc. to download) 

Optional Additional Activity: 

Mix Media Art Idea from: