Learning in the Spirit of Wonder and Joy

Month: January 2022

Indoor Fun with a Roll of Painters Tape!

Last week Lisa the StrongStart Educator at Maywood posted on her blog a great invitation to her families on the possibilities of painters tape.  She said I could share it with all of you:

If you are looking for something to keep your little ones entertained, head over to the dollar store and buy a few roles of painters tape.  You will be surprised at how long it will keep your child focused and also how many ways you can explore with it.

For the younger babies, simply put some tape in various lengths on items so they can use their fine motor skills to pull the tape off.

The toddlers and preschoolers can follow lines and roads with their toys, and together you can create a little city.

If your child has lots of energy you can create a jumping game.

You can also create an obstacle course.  Try to get through without getting stuck to the tape.

Or create a spider web and see what you can throw to get stuck in the web.

You can even use the tape to create shapes or letters and see what your child does with that.


Community Support

Anita Olson, our Early Childhood Community Consultant has put together some resources for you:

  • Purpose Society is offering a wonderful 6 week parenting program in February and March – and it’s free! Nobody’s Perfect offers parents to meet other parents, share questions, concerns and ideas, discuss real-life parenting experiences and discover ways of positive parenting! Check out the attached poster for more details/registration, call 778-727-0786 or email elizabeth.cottam@purposesociety.org


  • Eating together as part of your daily routine can be a great opportunity to bond with young children. Taking this time to connect with each other has many potential benefits, including increased social skills, an understanding of family values and traditions, a strong sense of belonging, and good nutrition (source: Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council & Vancouver Island Health Authority). Learn more @ www.feelingsfirst.ca. Ask open ended questions to better understand your child.
    • Who is your hero and why?
    • What makes you laugh the most?
    • What made you smile today?
    • What are some of your favorite memories?
    • If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for?


  • Burnaby Public Library continues to offer their online Babytime program on Wednesdays at 230 PM. Share songs, rhymes, stories with your baby (0-18 months) and meet new parents. Registration is required. If you would like more information check out the BPL website,here.


  • Establishing daytime and evening routines can help a child get a good night’s sleep. If they’re sleeping well, chances are you’ll sleep better too! Here are some tips on how to help a child get a full night of sleep (Source: Healthy Families BC). Learn more @ www.feelingsfirst.ca. You can help young children get a full night’s sleep by
    • Keep regular sleep and wake times – a regular sleep schedule has been shown to help regulate emotions.
    • Relax before bed – soothing bedtime routines can help children relax and feel ready for sleep.
    • Help you child feel safe at night – some children may feel better with a night-light or a comforting object.
    • Spend time outside during the day – natural light helps produce melatonin at the right times in a child’s sleep cycle.
    • Get daily exercise though play – explore play as a physical activity to help children sleep longer and better.
  • If you are interested in a free one-on-one consultation about your child’s development, behavior, parenting tips, tricks and education please email or call me, Anita, to set up either a virtual appointment or a socially distanced visit in the community.
    aolson@fsgv.ca 604-723-9548

Anita Olson (she/her) ECE, BA, MEd

Early Childhood Community Consultant

T 604 525 9144

M 604 723 9548

3rd Floor – 321 Sixth Street, New Westminster BC V3L 3A7


Toddler Activity

    Toddlers love to move and often their attention span is short.  They love to put things in and especially dump things out. They are little scientists who love to experiment with cause and effect.  I have lots of toddlers at StrongStart this year so I just finished making  a toy that was fast to make, cheap and engaging.

They love putting the metal juice lid in the slot and the sound it makes hitting the bottom of the tin.  They also love taking the lid off and dumping it out.  Maybe you have a toddler, care for one or need a gift to give one.

Here is what you will need:

  • Coffee tin (empty and clean)
  • felt or paper
  • metal frozen juice lids
  • Glue (I like using my glue gun)


Step 1: Cut a slit in the top of the lid.

Step 2: Glue on paper or felt to cover the outside of the tin. (I discovered my coffee tin I could take off the paper and it was beautifully silver underneath!)

Step 3: Decorate the metal lids and can (optional)