Learning in the Spirit of Wonder and Joy

Month: September 2020

A Great Resource for You

In our programs we have many local organizations we partner with that help support families. Anita is a great resource for you and your family.  See below the various ways you can connect with her and the programs she is offering.


Anita Olson – Early Childhood Community Consultant (ECCC) – supporting parents/caregivers with children ages 0-5 years old. Questions/concerns about behaviour, development, needing strategies or other resources call/text/email for a free virtual or socially distanced consultation.

604-723-9548 or email aolson@fsgv.ca

Join Monday’s Coffee and Chat parenting support group to get connected with other parents, learn some helpful tips about parenting and discuss your own parental celebrations and challenges. Meetings are via MS Teams – email aolson@fsgv.ca, subject line JOIN COFFEE AND CHAT, and an invite will be emailed to you. For assistance in MS Teams installation click here.

If you are interested in joining the ECCC Resource Newsletter please email aolson@fsgv.ca, subject line ADD TO RESOURCE NEWSLETTER and you will begin to receive children’s activity ideas, family resources offered in Burnaby and so much more.




Fall is Here!

Fall is my favourite season. My senses go wild.   My nose with the smell of wet soggy leaves, my eyes love the beautiful colours with a blue sky as the back drop and my ears love the crunch of the leaves under my feet!  I love looking for vibrant coloured leaves that have fallen and decorating my dining table. I have fond memories of collecting things in nature with my boys and making piles of leaves to jump in and hide in.

Maybe the stories below will inspire you to play in the leaves . Take along a bag or bucket on your walks so that you can bring natural materials home, they are FREE!  Wonder with your child what you might do with these materials. Could you sort them, order them, glue them, cut them?

 I know that many are limiting their children’s use of screen time.  So here are some ideas of what you could do with the stories I suggest below:

1. Watch the stories yourself .

2. Borrow them from the library.

3. Watch the stories with your child.

Fresh Fall Leaves by Betsy Franco


My Autumn Book by Wong Herbert Yee

When is StrongStart Opening?

Hello StrongStart Families,

I hope you were able to enjoy the summer months and explore our beautiful province.  Even if that was just in your own backyard!

I have had the privilege  of supporting the Kindergarten teachers last week and this week through the gradual entry process.  What a joy to see the children create new relationships with each other and their teachers.

We are still figuring out what StrongStart looks like during this time.  So currently I will be reaching out and available by phone and email. (beth.bosnick@burnabyschools.ca.)  I will once again be posting relevant and  helpful things for you here on my blog.  If you subscribe to my blog (you will find this on the right side of the screen)  you will receive an email each time there is a new post. This saves you always checking my blog to see if there is anything new.

Below is a copy of what the district presently has posted about StrongStart.  If anything changes you can find that information by visiting:



In September 2020, Burnaby StrongStart BC programs will continue to engage in outreach to families via emails, phone calls, and offering StrongStart services online.

There is currently no in-person StrongStart BC programs in Burnaby Schools.

We are looking into a variety of options that will enable us to offer in-person StrongStart BC programs. Programs will be at reduced capacity that are consistent with Stage 2 of the K-12 Education Restart Plan. “Reduced capacity” means that we will limit the number of families attending in order to maintain safe physical distancing. We will also reduce the number of hours per day and/or days per week of StrongStart BC operations to accommodate cleaning and disinfecting protocols.

Please continue to visit our website for the latest updates. We look forward to when we can welcome you back in person!

I miss you all,

Teacher Beth